Sites Like Givit Offer An Intuitve Way To Share Videos Privately

If you’re looking to share family videos privately, look no further – there is a fast, easy way to share home movies within a private network. Public social networking sites and video sharing sites do provide a lot of benefits, but they aren’t always an appropriate place to post family videos. If you don’t want your videos to be lost in a sea of other obnoxious videos or shared with everyone else in the world, there is another way to post videos online that is much more secure. Websites like Givit offer private video sharing technology, so you can select who can watch your family videos and whether you want them to be able to share those videos with others. The process is easy:

Start With Your Family Videos

There are plenty of ways to capture family videos. Perhaps you have a dedicated video camera that shoots beautiful, professional-looking film – great. This is far from the only option, though. Maybe you just have a digital camera or smart phone that has video capabilities, or a webcam that is either built into your computer or attached as added software. Any of these methods of capturing videos will work. So get your family together and start shooting.

There’s Always a Reason to Make Family Movies

There are plenty of good reasons to shoot family videos – a vacation, a family reunion, a school play in which your children are performing or a sporting event are all good reasons to shoot film of your family members. But you don’t even need such a reason. There are surely friends and family in your extended network who would love to see your faces and hear your voices even though they’re far away. Whether it’s a holiday, special occasion or just a Tuesday afternoon, there’s always a good reason to share family movies with your private network.

The Rest Takes Cares of Itself

Once you’ve started looking to share family videos, you shouldn’t have to keep searching for long. Private video sharing sites make it easy. Givit, for example, offers a simple, four-step process:

1. Select the video you want to share, either from an outside device or your saved library, and upload it.

2. Choose the recipients you’d like to share your family video with and write a quick message to send along with it.

3. Decide whether you want to enable your private network of video recipients to share the video with others or not.

4. Hit send and you’re done. You can always go back to add or remove recipients from the list later on.

Sharing family videos privately is a smart choice. Rather than broadcasting to the world, share privately and keep your videos in the family.

Technology happens to be one of John’s favorite things to write about. If you’d like to find out more about Givit, please visit