Online Coupons: Should You Use Them In Your Affiliate Marketing?

In the current economy people from every walk of life are looking to save money, and that includes people with money In fact, statistics from Digital Daily Break show that online coupon usage rises with income, and that 48% of households with incomes over $75k use online coupons at least four times per year. What does this mean for you, the online marketer? Well it could mean added revenue in your pocket. How so? Well if you offer coupons for your products or services at a discounted price, it could mean an increase in your bottom line and here’s why:

Consumers are Looking for the Deal

According to Marketing Charts, one-third of shoppers look for coupons on coupon sites when shopping online. These websites offer convenience and make finding the right coupon for the product they need easy.

Coupons Can Influence Your Making the Sale

This same study suggests that those who did make a purchase using coupons, over half would probably not have bought the product if a coupon hadn’t been available. Additionally, a coupon usually creates more revenue, as customers with coupons often buy more than one product.

Increase Customer Satisfaction

As a business, coupons can be a powerful tool, helping you increase customer satisfaction thereby helping you retain your customers – and every business knows that one returning customer is worth two prospective new customers. Customer retention is what makes some businesses stand out from the rest, it keeps them ahead of the pack and profitable even in an economic downturn.


As Silvia Pencak from the Magnetic Blog says, branding is a key influence in the success of any business. A recognizable brand can give you that competitive edge you need. By placing coupons on coupon sites you can significantly increase you branding. Consumers who visit the coupon websites looking for other coupons will become familiar with your brand and are more likely to return looking for coupons for your product.

Increase Online Visibility

Additionally, online coupon sites like this for your product or service brings you more visibility and more traffic to your website. Customers that may not be looking for your product directly may become interested in your product by coming across the coupons online.

Coupon Creation is Easy

Most coupon websites make it easy to create coupons. These are easy to make and the cost is compensated with the benefits received. Online coupons are a significant way of marketing your product or service at a relatively low cost.

Bottom Line

A coupon campaign alone may not offer the fit-all solution to your online marketing methods but coupled with other online marketing methods like blogs, social media and the releasing of industry information can give you the marketing edge you need, increase your ROI and offer you a variety of important solutions to your business marketing needs.

Jack Harding is a marketing consultant. He enjoys researching new ways to market products and promotions and sharing his ideas on various business blogs and uses this website to save money. Visit to see how they market their services to a wider audience.