No NVR or DVR: A Quick Guide to Enterprise Video Software

What type of CCTV camera are you using to surveil your property? If you’re new to the world of residential or commercial security, you may be familiar with only two commonly used systems: the digital video recorder (DVR) and its analog predecessor, the network video recorder (NVR).

On the surface, they appear relatively similar. Cameras are compact, surveil the environment effectively, and tend to be fairly inexpensive. It’s no wonder that many myths about these systems prevail, leading consumers to mistakenly believe they are the safest, most secure, and only option available.

For decades NVR and DVR were, in fact, the best the industry had to offer, and served as the gold standard for CCTV surveillance. However, a new era is dawning, with enterprise video software manufacturers stepping in to provide an alternative that could someday be the new normal in security.

Companies such as Verkada have created a more versatile and effective high-definition series of cameras that runs through cloud-based software, allowing for effective security, little chance of hacking, and a simple set-up. This new model is changing the game by enabling homeowners, business owners, and teachers with efficient protection.

The most prevalent myths and why they’re wrong

There are plenty of myths about NVR and DVR, and manufacturers consistently fall back on a few specific ones to ensure their clientele don’t investigate the alternatives. You may hear a common refrain: NVR and DVR are the most reliable, cheapest solution to security problems.

While it’s true that there are 16 to 32 channels on a typical large-scale security system, the interconnectedness of the system means that a failure of a single camera will shut down the entire operation. That’s certainly not a risk anyone wants to take.

Even if a massive power shortage doesn’t disrupt CCTV footage, the hidden costs associated with NVR and DVR systems often lead customers to grow frustrated with the state of things. In addition, growing concerns about cybersecurity are leading people to research other solutions that could serve them better. It’s frighteningly easy to get your CCTV camera hacked, and plenty of well-meaning organizations have learned this the hard way.

Enterprise video software

A decade ago, only a small number of companies were using the cloud for cybersecurity purposes, mainly because of their wariness about the new technology. It didn’t strike people as particularly secure. Nowadays, public opinion towards cloud-based surveillance software has shifted dramatically.

Schools, businesses, organizations, and homeowners are beginning to recognize the failings of conventional, outdated NVR and DVR systems. Instead, they are turning to enterprise video software to handle their security needs. With automatic software updates and no need to configure VPNs, enterprise video software systems are unbelievably slick and contemporary, with a beautifully simple design and an easy-to-use format.

The future of security

Security systems offer peace of mind to individuals, families, and corporations. You cannot fully commit to your standards of excellence if your company is overwhelmed with security concerns.

Companies such as Verkada that manufacture these groundbreaking new cloud-based systems understand that your time is meaningful to you, and that confusing and complicated set-up processes take away from hard work and productivity.

This is precisely why each enterprise video camera, from the D30 Indoor Dome to the D80 Fisheye, is ready to be used the moment it arrives on your doorstep. With products that are effortlessly easy to configure straight out of the box, remarkably well-designed, and versatile, there is no reason to hold back on ordering an enterprise video camera.