New Apps Make Android and iPhone a Healthcare Necessity

Doing a simple search on the internet can turn up a seemingly infinite number of applications for mobile phones, but who would have thought you could find free android health apps. With the app craze has come a high demand from consumers and the demands are being met and surpassed. Many companies are offering most at the economical price of, yes even for the iphone, free. Health apps have an impressive list of actions through the mobile platforms already, and can help you to lose weight or look up reviews on the local doctor.

They do carb counting through some amazing apps, this is a big help to people involved in diets. Some have the ability to scan barcodes and give information on carbs like whether or not it fits into your meal plan. They also have fast food and restaurant nutritional information so you can get a realistic view even when eating on the go. Manual logging of any diet numbers can become tedious so having a handy app is bound to promote health for those who need a little help. This means the next time a cell phone rings it might be telling someone to stop eating a donut.

In the fitness category, free android health apps have made iphones into modern trainers. With exercise guides based on your fitness goals in the palm of your hand, there’s no excuse why more people aren’t going to start power walking down the stairs on lunch breaks. The apps use GPS technology to make exercise interesting by showing trail options and marking previously travelled routes. The cardio category lets people race or pace themselves for maximum motivation during those runs using times from last time you ran. There’s also ways to share workout programs so people can see where you’ve ran or how much progress you’ve made. Certain ones can integrate your personal playlist so you can hear your own mixes while trying to get fit.

Besides diet and exercise, health means staying healthy. Now there are free android health apps that take the pain out of trying to figure out what’s wrong with you and the annoying process of trying to get seen by a doctor for it. iTriageHealth provides you detailed info for pretty much any symptom that people commonly get and helps you figure out what it is that may be wrong with you. It’s always nice to have somewhere reliable to turn when it’s your health on the line. If you figure out that the problem may be serious, this free android health app is able to provide turn by turn directions to guide you to your local emergency healthcare providers. It even provides you online reports that let you immediately get an idea about whatever doctor you choose to go to versus guessing whether you’re asking for trouble by going there. If there are lawsuits or other problems going on with their service, you can know that ahead of time and find another place to go. iTriageHealth can even tell you the time you can expect to wait in the waiting room!

Their applications are on the fingertips of technology. It’s about time this technology was used to help better ourselves physically. Previously only offering double-thumb workouts for the texters of the world, now mobile phones can actually assist in becoming and staying healthy. Best of all though it’s helping people enjoy doing it.