Narrow Your Search Results With Search Engine Query Operators

With the advent of internet, search engine optimisation has become an important profession globally. Every business enterprise looking out for an opportunity to promote their products online needs the help of an SEO expert to initiate the work and progress it further. If you are looking out for a career opportunity in Search engine optimisation, it is important for you to understand few search engine query operators and use them in researching the gold nuggets that are required by your client to excel in the online business.

The new online project is initiated with focus on listing out keywords for the campaign. A newbie spends hours in front of the internet listing out the relevant key words but, here comes the difference. An expert SEO professional takes the help of search query operators to find the needed nuggets. Read through the article to know the search query operators that Every SEO should know to excel in the field.There are many search query operators listed by Google to narrow down the search results but, the queries listed in the current article are must know for every SEO expert.

Search engines list down many sits when triggered by particular keyword. Though it gives pretty good results, using search operator queries will save you lot of time.


This search operator query is used by the SEO expert when he/she wants to restricts the search results to the titles of the web pages. The search engine displays the results only when the keyword is reflected in the title of the webpage. Many of the potential competitors use keywords in the title tag for their SEO campaign. You can easily get the list of the competitors using that keyword to get good search results. This helps you conclude your budget for the marketing because heavy targeted keywords requires high budget to break through.

Site <url>

You can restrict the search results to the pages indexed  specific URLs.  This is significant method to know if the search engine is crawling all the pages of the website properly. The number of pages indexed by the search engine should be equal to the number of pages published. You will be able to see how the search engines reads the title and description of the page.


This is another famous search query operator to get definite search results. SEO experts use this option when he/she wanted to get the results in the same order as specified in the keyword. You should place the specific keyword between the inverted commas. Ex: “ environmental pollution”. The search engine will index the pages for the keyword that you have optimised.

Info <url>

This search query operator is used by Google alone. When you trigger the query in the search engine, the search results would index page title, description along with the ability to view the pages that have similar content to the url, pages that are linked, pages that have included url.

Website Domain

You can even restrict the results to specific website/domain using the search query operator. The search engine  will index pages in website for your specific keyword.  If you want to learn more details please visit SEO India