Must-Have iOS Golf Apps for the Golf Enthusiast

Aspiring golfers will be pleased to know that handicaps are being levelled out slowly, through the advances made by iPads and iPhones and, as every experienced golfer will tell you, there are now certain apps available that really can change the way you approach and play the game. For the passionate, technologically accepting golfer these pieces of modern ingenuity are becoming smarter all the time. And, for the novices out there, here’s your starter guide to understanding how they work and what features you’re paying for.

V1 Golf ($4.99)

V1 Golf is ideal for beginners who want to learn more about the game as it features practical video lessons from some of the best known golfing instructors. It also enables you to see how your swing measures up against the professionals’, assists you with adjustments and helps you accelerate your rate of improvement out on the course.

GolfShot: Golf GPS ($29.99)

The Golf GPS is an iOS app that gives you the advantage of assessing the layout of the course as well as the location and position of each hole. This allows you to work on your strategy and to make adjustments every time you play on a new course.

This app features more than 40,000 courses, providing you with tactical aerial views as well as the distance between each hole. The app also has a handicap calculator to help you track your progress over time. It’s not the cheapest gadget on the market but it has a number of impressive tools you just have to try.

OhMyGolf HD ($29.99)

OhMyGolf certainly is one of the more sophisticated apps on the market, with a price tag to match. It allows you to study your own progress and performance while supplying you data about shot length and your level of accuracy. You have real time action tracking with this app too.

It stores 25,000 courses in its database and comes with a guarantee to update any missing data in its library within two days. But, it’s real selling point is that it stores each shot you play for later reference.

Getting the Swing of Things: Golf Etiquette ($0.99) and Golf Channel (free)

A golf news app is a fundamental tool for anyone interested in the game. Golf news apps present the ideal framework for you to brush up on your knowledge of the rules of the game, as well as the results of the latest tournaments. They also introduce you to the basics of golf etiquette, which you will need to learn to play the gentlemen’s game.

While golf may be a sport that requires regular practice and training for improvement, there are apps out there that can provide invaluable assistance on and off the course. And, with them being relatively affordable or at least more so than private tuition or more expensive equipment, they certainly are well worth a try.

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