Major Trends In Business Communications

It isn’t surprising that in today’s technological age more and more businesses are using tech advances to streamline communication and ensure efficiency. The utilization of cutting edge technology allows businesses to communicate quicker as well as in a more cost-effective manner with both customers and employees. Indeed, any business that doesn’t implement the latest in communication technology runs the risk of being left out in the cold.

With that in mind, here are some current tech trends that are ushering businesses into the modern age of communication.

Cloud computing
Probably the biggest recent advance in technology that is likely to be the dominant form of business communication in the foreseeable future is cloud computing. Cloud is a remote data service that allows users to access information remotely from a multitude of devices, such as laptops, smartphones and tablets.

Cloud is ideal for businesses because it not only allows employees to access data from multiple locations, but it also allows for work collaboration from different locales. Another benefit of cloud computing is that it offers unlimited data storage. To this end, it’s only a matter of time before hard drives in the work place are a thing of the past.

Social networking
Modern marketers already know the value of social networking, as sites like Facebook and Twitter are quickly becoming the dominant vessels for sharing information. Businesses the world over are tapping into social networks in order to grow their brand and reach new customers as well as existing ones.

Another trend that is likely to continue into the future is the idea of using tablets, such as the iPad, over traditional desktop and laptop computer. Indeed, many business professionals across the globe are eschewing computers for tablets due to these mobile devices portability and increasing library of business friendly mobile applications.

Not too long ago businesses big and small were often saddled with exorbitant and crippling phone bills. Now the Internet age that has provided new ways to circumvent traditional phone costs. Voice Over IP (VoIP), for example, is popular with many businesses because it converts analog communication to digital. Businesses that have switched to VoIP are reporting as much as 80% in communications savings using little more than an active Internet connection.

While email is certainly nothing new on the tech landscape, new business solutions such as IMAP accounts allow users to check their email accounts from more than one computer. Auto responses and email archiving are also proving to be popular business processes.

Video conferencing
Businesses are more and more saving large amounts of money on travel costs by implementing video conferencing in their practices. Video conferencing programs allow users in remote areas to conference face to face.

PowerPoint Presentations
Also not a particularly new technology, but PowerPoint is now the gold standard by which businesses throughout the world process presentation information. It’s the ability to compose multimedia presentations that are both interesting and informative that ensures PowerPoint is here to stay.

These are just a few trends in the business communications arena that are likely to continue into the future. And while nothing is set in stone, what the world of business can reasonably expect is for their methods of communications to be further shaped by advances in technology.

Independent writer Cassie works for Her area of expertise lies in call center solutions including areas such as virtual receptionists and order taking services.