iRead PDF is an Excellent Free App for Viewing Multiple PDFs

iRead PDF is an Excellent Free App for Viewing Multiple PDFsAlthough there are many applications available that offer to display PDF files on your iPad, these do not live up to expectations in most cases.  Users will often have multiple PDFs open at any 1 time, and those that make use of their iPads for work reasons, sometimes to the exclusion of the laptop, they will need an application that allows the same.  Although most application will allow a collection of PDFs to be stored inside them, when it comes to actually viewing these files it is only possible to do so 1 at a time.  Going back and forth, opening and closing and opening each file is a cumbersome process, and iRead PDF by Aji LLC is the application that answers this need.

This application is a reader for PDFs that allows for tabbed viewing, essentially mimicking the tab action of Safari, or that of some of the Creative Suite applications like Photoshop.  This ability to keep multiple files open and available at any 1 time is exactly what most people need.

While it needs to be understood that the iPad will never offer the same workflow abilities as a laptop does, it’s nice when applications help you to get as close to these as is possible.  An application offering the abilities this one does is wonderful, and the fact that it is free pushes it that much higher to the top of the pile.

In addition to the structured tabbed viewing, expected features like gestures support; zoom; and scroll rounded out a comprehensive amount of features that gives users the feeling of working on a laptop when they’re busy on the iPad.

There is also a toolbar that can be customized that brings more of the iRead PDFs tools to users, including Navigation tools like Select, for copying content; Next Page; Last Page; First Page; Previous Page; Go to Page Number; and PDF Outline are all available in the Command Library.

Users can add Bookmarks in a variety of colors to each of the PDFs that have been opened that will provide faster access to page locations as well as obtain customized views; be able to view links inside the PDFs; access TOC like Outlines; see Highlights and Underlines as well as all other Annotations that are already inside the file.  The Library window is further filled with a host of the expected features, including Unread; Browse; New Docs; Recents; Search; and Favorites, as well as some surprising ones like the fact that an uncommon icon will be seen if the PDF file contains notations, as well as allowing the ability to add tags to the files if the user wishes to do so.