Indie Brands-Create Engagement With Blogger Promos

Many companies today have taken their marketing efforts online. PPC advertisements, search engine marketing and even social media have allowed companies to market their business to a large audience within their budget.

Indie companies know that they don’t have the budget to compete with large corporations when it comes to marketing, but they still need to compete with these companies for sales. Many indie companies have turned to promoting their brand and earning engagement through the use of blogs.

If you are part of an indie brand and you want to engage your audience and increase product awareness all on a budget, here are five ways that blogging can help you.

1. Tutorials
If you are offering a new product or service, you can use a blog to teach your audience how they can use it. Let them know about all the features and advantages and why they will benefit from your product. Many customers are hesitant to purchase a new product or service if they don’t know much about it, and a blog tutorial can give your customers the information they need as well as get them talking about your product.

2. Customer Service
Many customers turn to blogs as a way to ask questions and receive answers. They’ll use the comment section to ask you about certain features, where they can find your product or even inquire about troubleshooting issues. You can either monitor your blogs to ensure you’re answering questions, or you can use these questions and write an entire blog post answering the most popular questions in detail. By answering your customers questions, you are providing them with the information they need and want, thus increasing your engagement.

3. Reviews
Find bloggers that are influential in your industry and ask them if they would be willing to review your product or service. Having a third party discuss how wonderful your product or service is will have more influence on your customers than your self promotions. You just need to understand that there is no guarantee the review will be positive, so you want to be confident in your product or service first.

4. Discounts
Use your blog as a way to offer discounts and promotions on your products and services. It’s a way to generate interest in your business, and it can also help increase sales. Plus, it also serves as a thank you to your customers for their dedicated following.

5. Customer Stories
You should also take the focus of your blog away from you and put it on your customers. Use it to thank your biggest customers for their continued support or to share stories about that customer and your business. When you use your blog to show your customers that you truly appreciate them and take the time to thank them publicly, you’ll gain their interest and get them to engage by sharing other stories.

Blog promotions are a great way for indie companies to build awareness and engagement with their customers and compete with larger corporations. If you want to generate the best awareness for your indie brand, you better start blogging.

This article was prepared with the assistance of MRI Game Administration Company.