How To Build A Responsive LinkedIn Social Network

How can you build a responsive, targeted social network on LinkedIn? As you freely give you shall receive. This means you get followers by giving freely of your time and talents. The great mistake most entrepreneurs make consists of getting before giving, or at least trying to get before they give.

This is an inward-thinking frame of mind which kills your network before you have a chance to build it. Few are interested in selfish, greedy people, because their desperate, fearful vibe repels otherwise interested prospects.

Come from a place of power, not force. Create value for your target audience, giving freely of your creative talents. This tip alone makes your audience more responsive, as individuals interested in your offering, and your value, will be happy to comment on your blog posts, articles or videos.

Give freely to build your social network. Help people out with problems. Jump on any opportunity to engage, in order to build an engaging group of friends around you. Makes sense, right?

Many people fear losing out though. They fear giving up time to chat, thinking they need to create more and more, or force out content, or plaster their squeeze page across all types of LinkedIn groups, to prosper. This is the wrong way to do it. You want responsive friends. You want engaging, chatty prospects, to connect with you and talk about business.

This is how you build your opportunity quickly: get people talking. How do you get people to talk about your opportunity on LinkedIn? How do you increase engagement around your online business brand? Follow these tips.

Create Content

People respond to value quite favorably. You seek value, and the person who shares the value will snag your attention quickly. This is how gurus build massive networks of loyal fans. These folks are in love with someone who helps them, or solves their problems, on a persistent basis.

Create prodigiously to grow a responsive network of people who can’t help but to share their comments freely on LinkedIn. This is a great way to build your network with increasing ease, as these engaging folks will readily share your content with other engaging folks, spreading your work, leveraging your presence and boosting your online reputation quickly.

Create as much as possible to really supercharge the responsiveness of your network. Don’t hold back. If you can churn out 2 or 3 helpful blog posts today, do it, and you can grow an engaging network of friends on LinkedIn who can grow your business quickly.

Chat Persistently

Become a chatter, and find engaging people with increasing ease. Chatters are social, and social people attract other social people. This great rule of social networking sites like LinkedIn is simple to follow.

Show up on social sites at least 2 to 3 times daily and chat with individuals. Respond to people who posted comments in response to your LinkedIn updates. Engage individuals by posting comments in response to their helpful updates. Ask questions and provide answers, to increase the responsiveness of your following.

As your network on LinkedIn becomes more responsive, magic begins to happen. You meet more friends, grow your own network quickly, and of course, as you meet more friends and grow your network expect your business opportunities to multiply.

You can either grow your current business or start new business ventures based on the new, engaging connections you’ve built over time on the social network LinkedIn.

Create value. Chat persistently. Use these 2 tips to grow your responsive network on LinkedIn and expand your presence today.

Kelli Cooper, writing on behalf of Monster Displays, is a freelance writer who covers a range of topics but she particularly enjoysis sharing tips on how people can effectively utilize online marketing methods to grow their business.