Google VS Bing – Search Engine Wars – Which Is Better

Google VS Bing – Search Engine Wars – Which Is Better

This is a question that is being asked all over. This writer has done a few tests and quite frankly, they have more similarities than differences. Everybody knows Google and Bing is the young upstart from Microsoft, just trying to make a name for its self in the big leagues. Quite naturally, when people think of making a search they are going to want to go with that they are familiar with (usually Google). Even in this technologically advanced day and age people haven’t really changed all that much. They are creatures of habit.

If you run a test of each engine you will soon realize that the differences are not “earth shattering”. The first pages will invariably have a lot of the same pages listed, only in a different order. Both of the engines will load quickly and the search results are relevant and timely. Most people are sold on the link in Google that will allow you to explore more options. On the other hand, Bing has a “recent search” listing that shows you all the places you have been. This can be deleted at will.

As you use Bing you will find that it is really quite unique. Across the top are tabs that allow you to search images related to the topic of your search. It also allows you to research the topic on the local level, find videos about your topic and even give you news stories pertaining to your top. A drop leaf gives you even more options. Bing also breaks downs the results according to relevant keyword phrase. Bing has begun incorporating Facebook searches and your Facebook friends in their search results. The Bing/Facebook partnership is now Bing’s biggest advantage over Google. Perhaps because of this, Bing has gotten MUCH harder to manipulate in search enginer ranking than it once was (when it was more like Yahoo Search).

Google still reigns supreme in the eyes of most peope in regards to relevant search. Like Bing, Google has recently begun incorporating Twitter results in its search engine algorithm. It lets you see which of your Twitter friends have tweeted about specific Web sites. It makes the assumption (a big assumption) that if your friends tweet about something, this topic will be more relevant to your search desires.

Is Bing better than Google?

What the press and most people have gotten wrong is the fact that Microsoft did not introduce Bing as a way to kill Google. They just wanted to offer you, the consumer another option. The Bing search engine is a very competitive product and being such will naturally win a few hearts. The underdog always does. But in the end the usage rates of each will come down to simple personal preference.

Try Bing for yourself what you will find is a search engine that provides relevant searches along with a few features that will make certain types of searches a lot easier. The name may not be stellar but it is a far cry from the old “Live Search” moniker that Microsoft used before. As far as searches go, sometimes does Google have the edge. What does the future hold? Only time will tell.

About the Author: Pat Lindles has worked in the construction industry most of his life. Sourcing timely metal decking products has become paramount to his business’s success so Pat has found effective search engine navigation to improve his search efficiencies dramatically. When not improving his steel decking fabrication company, Pat enjoys shooting photography and running marathon’s throughout the United States.

1 comment

  1. Both engines are very similar in the results they produce and what they offer, I think Bing could have taken some of Google’s share if they had provided something different or unique. In the end Google’s dominance will be difficult to crack.

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