Website Review

Geekologie is a blogsite maintained by an anonymous guy named the Geekologie Writer (GW). As the name suggests, it is a site dedicated to geeky stuff like science and technology. However, there is an interesting twist; the writer is a bit crazy, the kind of crazy that gets you giggling at a science article in the middle of the night.
Content on the blog site is very timely and interesting. Some topics you might have seen on the news, but they are all sure to be related with science, technology and gaming; a geek’s home. It features a volatile community of geeks who will easily flame other commenters who make minor mistakes or fallacies. They don’t flame all the time, though, and give very useful input and responses to posts the GW adds to the site.
The GW’s writing style is zany as zany can be. He is able to turn a mundane article into a LOL-fest quite easily with his crude, yet witty humor and punch lines worthy of being full-fledged internet memes. Yet every post made is extraordinarily interesting despite the initial alien/dinosaur coitus jokes and speculations of conspiracies by the federal government and mythical unicorns. Geekologie is not a blog site for the faint of heart, though. It takes a certain disposition to be able to appreciate it for its unique appeal. You need to be open-minded and loose to appreciate the crude but seemingly always humorous lines.
Each post has at least one line that is a link to other content the GW has written about; this makes readers able to view content they have missed with these annotations. It is pretty useful, given that you are curious enough to actually want to know what the GW means on his citations (which you always will be).
Geekologie has partner blogs that execute the same purposes, yet for a different category of content. “The Superficial” is a site dedicated to celebrity and show biz news, “I Watch Stuff” is a blog for movies and trailers, and “So Freaking Cool” highlights all the awesome posts on the blogs mentioned.
Geekologie is a site worthy of its name and its community. It is a home for nerds, yet has such uniquely written content that even the average Joe will find interesting. The writers are humorous, the content is rich with information and just plain cool stuff; It is a site that you’ll want to put as your browser homepage, or at least put on your bookmarks bar.