Competing for Conversion

If you’ve spent any amount of time around Web marketers, you’ve probably heard a lot of talk about conversions and how to increase them throughout a company’s sales cycle. When you start talking about conversion rates, and how to leverage your marketing collateral to boost your conversion rates, you start to hear phrases like user engagement and site retargeting. While all of these things are great resources and tools for boosting your overall conversion response, staying competitive in today’s market means going a little deeper below the surface. There are things beneath the sales and marketing processes that help companies stay competitive in today’s crowded marketplace.

Elements of Conversion Building

—     Architecture: Smart marketers know that building a successful branding strategy involves digging into the root of the company to see what’s there. In fact, building with a ground-up approach means looking at architecture and infrastructure. Building a robust infrastructure supports the whole framework of your branding strategy. Working without proper infrastructure or trying to implement a complex marketing strategy on a weak foundation causes trouble. Correct data management skills are paramount here.

—     Hosting: There’s a whole lot of your Web presence tied up in hosting. Hosting determines the type or Web activities you engage in. If you have a robust cloud hosting platform, you’ll enjoy the feeling of being able to quickly and effectively deliver Web content without any major hiccups. Throw in a batch of terrible server hosts, and what you’ll find are a series of unfortunate events that lead you to compromising your business principles and losing customers. Implementing proper user engagement means that you must be able to deliver dynamic content on a daily basis. This is virtually impossible without the proper infrastructure and hosting provider in place.

—     Layout: Layout is a major part of your user experience. Many people ignore layout in favor of social media or other seemingly well thought out design frameworks. The problem with this line of thinking is that, at its very core, a layout should move your customers through the conversion funnel quicker and more efficiently. A high quality layout provides that touch of functionality and design. There’s no website in the world that couldn’t benefit from a major boost in style and functionality. If users are able to navigate through your website simply and easily, converting those same users will not seem like such a gargantuan task.

The reality that every business must face is that staying competitive in the conversion space requires a great deal of finesse. You’ll need finesse to navigate all the complexities of new technology. You also need to have a solid grasp on the world of branding. No company can home in on one aspect of their business or site without alienating other crucial factors that are contributing to the bottom line. You must consider every aspect of your brand in order to compete in the conversion space, which often results in more revenue for your company.