Mobile Technology: Friend or Foe?

Mobile technology is quite simply fascinating. What was once considered a luxury has quickly become a necessity. Our smart phones help keep us organized, promising personal assistants like Siri and Cortana, and can even tell us when our heart rate gets too high. We no longer have to look at our phones to read texts… Continue reading Mobile Technology: Friend or Foe?

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Top 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Android App Development

Why does your business need android app development? The use of mobile applications has sky-rocketed over the last several years. The majority of consumers now have access to a smartphone. These shoppers and potential customers perform the majority of their research and shopping online through their mobile devices. By not placing some of your focus… Continue reading Top 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Android App Development

Intelligent Call Routing

Call routing services fulfill both personal and professional communicational requirements. Basically, the fact is that without having proper and sophisticated telecommunication means and network, no business is going to survive, at least not in this era where telecommunication matters a lot in the business scenario. And, among many telecommunication strategies for businesses, call-routing is one… Continue reading Intelligent Call Routing

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6 VoIP Tweaks That Will Improve Your Customer Service

Technology may not have yet built a better mousetrap, but it continues to make it easier to serve your customers, increase employee productivity and help your business run more efficiently. IP telephony has revolutionized the telecommunications capabilities of companies in a way that allows anyone to remain competitive on a global scale. However, there are… Continue reading 6 VoIP Tweaks That Will Improve Your Customer Service

5 Mobile Advertising Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Make

You know you have to do it. You’ve read the statistics. You know that more Internet searches are now conducted on smartphones than desktop computers. Face it — mobile advertising is the future, say media marketing experts like Jeff Kamikow. If you are new to the idea of mobile advertising or already gotten your feet… Continue reading 5 Mobile Advertising Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Make

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