How Can Telematics Data Improve Freight Transportation

In our rapidly advancing world, where each day ushers in fresh technology designed to enhance our lives, innovations span across diverse industries. From the integration of mechanized tools in healthcare to the utilization of quantum computing for big data management, technological progress knows no bounds. One innovation, continually evolving and making substantial waves in the… Continue reading How Can Telematics Data Improve Freight Transportation

Tips For Data Protection In Cloud Computing For Data Recovery

In today’s society, personal information is like “new oil” – it is valuable but also vulnerable to cybercriminals. The protection of data is essential to prevent misuse and protect consumers. In addition, it is also necessary to educate employees and contractors about data protection laws. These tips are useful when it comes to protecting customer… Continue reading Tips For Data Protection In Cloud Computing For Data Recovery

Categorized as Computing

How To Manage Modern IT Infrastructure In Your Development Enterprise

There are several steps to manage modern information technology (IT) infrastructure in your development enterprise. Undoubtedly, enterprises need optimal hardware, software, and data storage systems to maintain a high performance. Additionally, network, wireless access, and virtual assets are key elements for software infrastructure as well. As a chief information officer (CIO), you need to know… Continue reading How To Manage Modern IT Infrastructure In Your Development Enterprise

Categorized as Computing

The Need To Protect Against Web Shells

For many organizations, cybersecurity is a “top of mind” concern. Data breaches have become a daily occurrence in recent years, and new data privacy laws, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), have underscored the risks of failing to properly secure user data. One of the biggest threats to an organization’s security… Continue reading The Need To Protect Against Web Shells

The Big Players of AI

Artificial intelligence is going to be a massive market in the next few years. AI demonstrates as machines enable intelligence. It incorporates processes like machine learning to undergo certain tasks completion that otherwise requires human intelligence to be performed. As we are moving towards the future, more and more companies are using AI to improve… Continue reading The Big Players of AI

What is Cyber Security and Why is it Important

With the advancement in technology and every company taking advantage of the many opportunities that the internet presents, there is an imminent danger. You must have seen many headlines about how companies and big corporations systems have been attacked by hackers, Thieves are out to steal customer data; passwords and other important personal information that… Continue reading What is Cyber Security and Why is it Important

What To Know About Coding Bootcamp Job Guarantees

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We’re going through a coding bootcamp boom! And there’s a good reason for this. Coding as a career can be incredibly fulfilling, and gives someone the chance to work in some of the biggest technology companies as well as for some of the smallest, most nimble start-ups out there. There are near-limitless ways to use… Continue reading What To Know About Coding Bootcamp Job Guarantees

4 Popular FTP Servers Reviewed

Backup, archiving, and simple file transfer requirements are common reasons for using an FTP Server. This often-maligned technology continues to be frequently used in business – with the more secure SFTP capability a common implementation for companies with security concerns. This list reviews some of the perennial favorites, looking at the balance of cost, security,… Continue reading 4 Popular FTP Servers Reviewed

The Present and Future of Software Updating

Software development has evolved immensely since the days of MS-DOS and blocky green letters. Today, software advances at the speed of thought, creating a need to deliver updates and changes to software as quickly and as discreetly as possible. Advancements in software development, such as continuous delivery and feature flagging, make it possible to update… Continue reading The Present and Future of Software Updating