Believe It Or Not, Social Media Makes Life Insurance Fun

Life insurance is rarely thought of as an interesting topic of conversation. Most people lump it in with other death-related matters and quickly end serious discussions to go back to the things they like to do in life. Skipping over life insurance details, however, can result in financial pain for surviving dependents when the unexpected occurs. The good news? New marketing approaches can make insurance education bearable and more accessible for those of us who would otherwise avoid it.

Learn About Life Insurance on Facebook

The life insurance company MassMutual is taking its marketing strategy to the social networks. You can sign up with the insurance company on Facebook and watch short, informative videos about the benefits of having the right life insurance coverage. The videos include small children talking with their parents about what life insurance is and what kind of insurance different families might need. Couched in a Facebook format, the marketing project is immediately more friendly and intimate than a traditional commercial campaign. Facebook users can watch the videos between other social interactions and immediately post comments if they have questions or concerns.

Boil Information Down

The idea is to boil the facts about life insurance down into small, digestible portions. The social media realm demands that users cut out extra language and deliver a message in 140 characters or less. When life insurance information is trimmed into smaller chunks, it is easier for people to understand. When that information is provided on a comfortable platform, traditional barriers of misunderstanding and negative attitudes break down more easily.

Play an Online Game

Axa Equitable, a New York based insurance company, has developed the interactive, online game Pass it On to explain insurance needs. The game is available through Axa’s website for computer platforms and the iPad. Pass it On guides players through the necessary life decisions in all the phases of life. A built-in sweepstakes that offers cash prizes adds a bit of a thrill to this online gaming experience. The sweepstakes will run through the end of December 2012, and two lucky winners will collect $25,000 and $15,000 prizes.

Protect Your Dependents

Players won’t necessarily purchase insurance through the companies hosting the games. Wise shoppers will check several life insurance quotes online. The social networking and online games offered by life insurance companies have the potential to make life insurance facts available to many people who would never have taken the time to investigate. Once these new consumers understand the need for insurance, they may be more inclined to purchase an appropriate policy.

In the long run, the real winners of the game of life insurance will be surviving dependents. When the game plays out in real life, rather than online, they will have the protection they need.