Basic Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance

If you own or manage a food-based business, you probably work with at least one commercial refrigeration unit. Although equipment should undergo full maintenance checks at regular intervals, there are several things you can do between scheduled maintenance sessions to keep things running smoothly and prevent minor issues becoming costly problems.

Food Safety Magazine provides tips and advice to commercial caterers and food-based businesses relating to how you can keep your refrigeration equipment functioning effectively and safely.

Check Coils

Regularly checking and cleaning your commercial fridge freezer coils can ensure they continue to operate effectively. Use a soft brush to remove any dirt or dust from the coils in order to prevent damage.

Check Ice-Making Functions

If your refrigeration unit produces ice, ensure the relevant parts are regularly checked and are kept clean. Remove any covers from the ice-making unit and check for signs of dirt, slime or mould. If there is any build-up of dirt, you might need to call a refrigeration engineer to ensure the unit is functioning correctly and isn’t faulty.

Check Door Seals

Check the seals on refrigerator, freezer and cooler doors. Examine these to make sure there are no signs of wear and tear or any places where the seal is not airtight. If there are any visible tears or rips, arrange to have these fixed, or the relevant sections replaced, as soon as possible.

Door Maintenance

Regularly check the entire door of any refrigeration or freezing units. As well as checking the door seals, check that doors are closing smoothly and firmly. You should also check door hinges to ensure they are not too stiff or too loose. They should feel secure and sturdy. If your refrigeration unit has an automatically closing door, regularly check this is still functioning correctly.

Internal Cleaning

For both hygiene and functioning reasons, it’s important all refrigeration equipment is kept clean. Make sure any vents remain free from blockages and are clean. The UK’s Food Standards Agency provides useful information on the safe storage of different types of food, as well as temperature guidelines.

Reputable retailers such as Fridge Freezer Direct supply commercial fridge freezers to a range of businesses and can provide advice on maintenance and upkeep.

While these are basic maintenance tips, they can make a big difference to the performance and lifespan of your equipment.