A Blogging Strategy for Service Based Businesses

I’m a huge proponent of content marketing. It can help with your SEO and search rankings. Google likes content now a days and websites that are blogging and sharing those blog posts on the social network Google + are at a huge advantage in the SEO game. There is also interlinking benefits when you write a blog post. At the bottom of each blog post you can create a call to action and link your main keyword to your homepage for big time SEO juice.

Blogging can also make you more credible. When someone lands on your page, they might not now much about your service. But you can aim to educate them with your blog posts. In turn, you’re credibility will skyrocket too. This will help with your websites ability to turn visitors into clients.

“That’s great, but I don’t have the time or ideas to write these posts.” I hear this all the time. So I’m going to pick a boring industry, dental services, just to show you how easy it really is to generate create content and blog posts.

Not many dentists blog. They’re too busy handling checkups and filling cavities. That’s what they are supposed to do. But they could easily have their admin staff write their blog posts for them.

I explained this to a dentist in Victoria BC just last week. He said that could work. His next objection was that he didn’t know what to blog about. Right away I rattled off a few ideas for blog posts that got his mind thinking. This dentist then started to think and see the light.

The next two minutes we came up with close to 50 blog posts! I want to now share with a simple way to come up with 20 blog posts in 20 minutes.

Answer Peoples Questions

No matter what business you are in, as a professional and trusted expert people will ask you questions about your service. Whether it’s face to face or in an email, you get hundreds of questions a year. Some the same and some far out.

Guess what, people are asking those questions to Google as well. They’re trying to find a website that answers their question. Do you want your website to be the one that comes up when someone searches for “How to get white teeth”? Who wouldn’t! That’s a targeted user landing on your website.

In that blog post you could also have a link to another blog post you wrote about the “top 10 myths of”. The user would probably click and read that article. Basically you want to keep giving that person more and more useful information. They landed on your website looking for a way to get white teeth so they obviously care about their dental hygiene. Go ahead and give them more useful articles on how to care for their teeth.

Do you see how simple it is? The next time someone asks you a question about your service, write it down and answer it by creating a blog post about it! This is what the Victoria dentist I chatted to is doing.

Categorized as SEO