5 Ways To Secure Your Gmail Login

The web is full of opportunities for you to create, explore and collaborate. In every way, you need to feel absolutely safe while using the web. When Google launched, ‘Gmail’ their new mail service provider, it shot to fame instantly with millions of users getting hooked to it. However, no one realized when the platform became highly vulnerable to cyber crimes and it got meddled with thus exposing over 5 million number of Gmail passwords. With this, many users have started questioning just how much secure their account is in reality.

There are certain tricks to follow to secure your Gmail login password. Read on.

Getting it Secured

  1. Follow Two-step Verification Process and go through a Gmail Security Checklist

If you need to secure your Gmail login password you have to follow the methods. Google offers ample ways to secure your account. Take advantage of checking through the IP address and even locations so that you can nab any unauthorized user sneaking around your inbox. Even an anti-malware scanner definitely protects your account absolutely.

Today, when you re-enter a password, Google Gmail configuration offers two-step verification process. This is done by Google sending you an SMS with a special code so that you can re-enter that code as part of log-in process.

  1. Be Strategic When Choosing Password

Considerations of 1-2-3-4 or few characters or numbers are not acceptable for password. Besides, passwords should not be in upper or lowercase. Ideally, interweave a password having a creative combination. After you have chosen a particular password, very much uncommon with letters and characters head towards the Password Meter and check its strength.

  1. Make Sure of HTTPS Security

When you are at a cafe using unsecured network and you are accessing your Gmail, your account becomes vulnerable to hackers on that spot. Also, you have to make sure that you are using public Wi-Fi securely. This is enabled with HTTPS security for your account. Hence, to enable HTTPS, you have to sign in Gmail and then click on Mail Settings on the upper right. Then click on General. Your next step is to set ‘Browser Connection’ along with ‘Always use HTTPS.

  1. Avoid Phishing Attempts

Phishing is a process of sending fraudulent mails to different individuals with an intention to force them sending sensitive information to the fraudsters. Every time you receive an email that requests for personal information, do not make the mistake of clicking on any URL in it. Instead, you should navigate to that company and log in there directly.

  1. Check Your Account Activity

There are ample possibilities for your ex to check your account and do some harm to you personally using your web information. Hence, to check this go to the bottom of the page where a line appears ‘Last account activity’. At the end of it, you will find ‘Details’. Click on it to check through the details of various activities on your account and in case you find anything suspicious, immediately change the passwords. Secure you password with two-step verification process.

Thus, following the above steps ensure securing your Gmail instantly.