5 Dental Apps To Make Your Smile Brighter & Whiter

How do you pick a good dentist today?

Referrals are always one of the best ways. If your friends or relatives are satisfied with their dentists, there’s a good chance you will be as well. However, we may not be far from the day when patients call prospective dentists and ask them if they offer their own smartphone app.

More and more dentists are having their own apps developed that allow patients to make appointments, get dental history, ask questions and receive general information on oral hygiene and related subjects. If your dentist is behind the curve, maybe it’s time to drop a few subtle hints.

That’s one dental app that would be great to have loaded in your smartphone or tablet, but let’s take a look at five other dental apps that will put a brighter and whiter smile on your face.

1. Dental Aid Lite
As you can probably figure out by the addition of the word “Lite” to the name of this iOS app, there’s a full version available as well. The “Lite” edition is free. This is one your dentist should have, but just in case he or she doesn’t, why not load it on your own iPhone or iPad?

It’s jammed with informative text and excellent HD pictures that give patients a great understanding and overview of the dental procedures they are most like to experience. Subjects like tooth restoration, replacement and examinations are covered in depth. Have it handy on your next trip to the dentist and have your professional review your procedures with you. Be a savvy health care consumer.

2. Tooth Protection Tips
Can we talk? Isn’t it a whole lot better to avoid trips to the dentist than have to find a way to get yourself—or others in your family—squeezed in for an emergency appointment? Further, consider how much time and money families would save if they could just keep their teeth at their whitest rather than having to pay for a procedure at the dentist. This free Android app will give you all the essential information you need to keep a smile on your face and a few extra bucks in your bank account.

3. Tooth Camp Lite
Perhaps the most important job for parents is to instill good habits and good values in our children. There’s probably an app out there someplace to work on the values, but today we’re thinking about good habits and specifically good teeth brushing habits. This free iOS app uses a tried-and-true method for creating new and good habits: the military drill instructor. Break out this app to get your kids brushing for the full two minutes. (I’ve found that it works for adults too.)

4. Tooth Notes
Honestly, do you know the names of the different teeth? If you’re like me, when someone says “canine” I start thinking about my first pet. With this free iOS app you can tap, drag and rotate a set of teeth around and thenz make notes about each one. It helps you understand you dental work and lets you communicate more effectively with your dentist. If you suddenly notice a sensitivity to hot or cold on a certain tooth, you can make a note of it to pique your memory on your next trip to the dentist.

5. Dental Expert
How would you like to sit down with an expert dentist and just pick his or her brain? That’s basically what this free iOS app will do for you. Excellent explanations are give on topics such as:

  • Dealing with dental emergencies

  • Options for missing teeth

  • Gum diseases, causes and treatments

  • Orthodontics

  • Implant dentistry

  • Geriatric care

  • Effects of tobacco use and much more

I also really appreciate the proactive information provided like how to minimize pain and anxiety, how to keep dental costs down, the best ways to keep teeth for your lifetime, and many more.

With these apps you’ll really be able to take charge of your oral health as well as get the best and most appropriate dental care for you and your family.

Chris Turberville-Tully is a marketing strategist for Dental Implants Clinics, an online directory of experienced surgeons in the UK who specialize in dental implants. You can find a surgeon in your area here: http://www.dentalimplantsclinics.co.uk/.