4 Things Commun.It Does For You (Saving You Time)

Commun.it is an awesome “Twitter Relationship Tool.” It helps to put the peeps back in the tweeps and allow you to truly use Twitter as a way of connecting with people and not just another robotic tool on the internet that broadcasts your messages one way. This article will show you four things that Commun.it does for you, so you don’t have to (saving you time).

In reality, Commun.it does so much more than what is listed here, but this will give you an overview of how Commun.it helps you to perform tasks without sacrificing the relational aspect and potential of the Twitter experience.

With many of the functions in Commun.it, there is the option to click on the double arrows at the top of the “tweet” information box and see more information pop out to the right. This additional information is key to answering the question of “why” when deciding whether to thank someone for a mention, or to follow them, or to interact with them. It is another way that Commun.it does the research for you and presents it in a manner that is consistent within the tool so that you can become accustomed to finding the information that you are looking for, and finding it quickly, as you become more familiar with the tool.

Highlighting of Action Steps in Feed

Right away when you log in to your Commun.it dashboard, you are greeted with a timeline and suggestions for Twitter interactions. This includes those who have mentioned you, retweeted you and twitter tasks that may warrant a response. Of course, you have the choice of whether you want to do anything with each of these highlighted tweeps and tweets, which makes this a relationship tool and not a robotic tool, keeping the human element in the process. Wondering why Commun.it is recommending that you may want to take a Twitter action? Click on those double arrows and you will be able to see more information, including the number of engagements, the specific tweet that caused the notification, whether or not you are following this tweep and whether or not the tweep is following you.

Highlighting of Tweeps To Follow

Unlike tools that auto-follow and follow back, Commun.it will show you who is following you and will show a red X when you are not following them back. This makes it easy to scan a list and spot all of the red Xs, whether you are in a feed, a “leads” list or any other list in Commun.it. The red X highlights the fact that you are not following the tweep but leaves that choice up to you instead of auto-following. Again, you have the option to click on the double arrows to see more information about the tweep to determine why you may (or may not) want to follow.

Pre-configured “Thank You” Tweets

One of the really handy tools is a pre-configured “Thank You” tweet based on Twitter analytics by Commun.it. This saves you the time to figure out who you want to thank. Oh, you may want to thank everyone and that is fine and certainly doable within the Commun.it dashboard, but this pre-configured tweet also calculates who has been influential in your Twitter circle. This is handy when you have cases of Twitter spammers mentioning you but you do not want to necessarily “Thank” them. The analytics within Commun.it helps to isolate tweeps that are more likely to be real people that are engaging with you on Twitter or who are promoting you on Twitter. Commun.it is also hooked up to Buffer, allowing you to buffer the tweet so that it goes out at a potentially more optimal time.

Highlighting of Potential New Twitter Friends

Commun.it provides the ability to create trackers, or monitors, to find more people to follow on Twitter. Rather than you spending time searching for tweeps who have similar interests and then spending time reading their feed and trying to determine whether you should or shouldn’t follow or interact, Commun.it does it for you. Provide Commun.it with the key word that you would like monitored and you will be provided with a list of people who use that word. Again, you have the option to click on the double arrows to see why Commun.it added that tweep to your list. Obviously, the tweep is added because the key word is found. However, you will be able to view the context in which the key word was used. So, for example, if a person loves jazz music, they could set up a monitor to track jazz and then review the findings to determine if that is a person with whom they would like further interaction via Twitter.

Go head, give it a whirl, yourself, with a free Commun.it account. See if this helps you manage your Twitter relationships in a real, human way, but with more efficiency.

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Deborah is a writer, musician, and speaker, including teaching companies how to use Twitter Chats to enhance their social media programs. With her SocialWebCafe.com, she handles events like Twitter Chats and Google+ hangouts. You can connect with her on Google+ or follow her @SocialWebCafe.