3 ThingsTo Do Before You Apply for a Job: Social Media

3 ThingsTo Do Before You Apply for a Job: Social Media If you are in school and are looking for a job, you may have to do a little more work than you think. You want to get a job, and if you do well, you could even get an offer after you graduate. Sure you need to have a great resume, good contacts, and do well in your interview, but there is more than meets the eye. Many employers are now becoming more tech-savvy.

They want to know what you are doing in your cyber life. Some employers are increasingly afraid that the person they want to hire isn’t really who they are portraying themselves to be. On paper, the candidate may seem like a great employee, but there is so much more than meets to eye. Employers are realizing that people are free to add and delete things on their resume that may seem shady. But, employers are now beginning to understand that once something is one the web, it is there forever. They are realizing that it is hard for people to erase their online persona.

This is important to understand as a potential employee. Cleaning up, or reducing what you have on your Facebook profile, your blog, your Twitter, and any other social site can greatly reduce things that may catch a potential employer off guard.

There are three steps you should do in order to know what employers are going to see.

1) Google Yourself

Most employers perform a simple Google search on you. Make sure that if you have listed that you were the Champion Basket Weaver of 2008, you really were. It may show up online and show that you were actually 2nd place. This will put doubt in your potential employers mind. If they notice a discrepancy about that, they might stop their search there. Also make sure to talk about anything that may show up with your name under it. It is important to be prepared.

2) Check Your Facebook Security Settings

Sometimes, you don’t realize that if people search you on Facebook, they can easily find things about you. Sometimes they can even see your full profile. If you are the crazier type that loves parties, maybe you should check your settings. You won’t want a future employer seeing you in a tagged picture in a compromising position at a party. An employer also doesn’t want to see that you “want some ice cream and goodies” at 1:23 am.

3) Be careful what you say

If you have a blog, which most people do. It is a good idea to conservative what you write. Most of the time, employers like see writing samples. People might think that a blog is a good link to give to an employer. It is and it isn’t. Depends on what you are writing in your blog. Make sure that if you give your link out, or even if you aren’t, if it something that you would feel comfortable with your mom reading. If not, change the security settings so only invited readers can see your blog.

Knowing how you look in the online world is a good wakeup call when you are looking for jobs. Plenty of employers choose between candidates everyday. Make sure that you are doing everything that you can to give yourself the extra boost you need. Don’t get caught in a situation where you don’t get a job because an employer saw an awkward photo of you a couple of years ago at spring break. You are a professional, make sure that your online persona exudes that as well.

About the Author:

Neltje Maynez is a freelance writer for MyCollegesandCareers.com. My Colleges and Careers is a great tool for those that need help deciding if online college is right for them. It also helps them get the top careers that they want.