10 Best Business Apps You Simply Must Own

10 Best Business Apps You Simply Must OwnGet introduced to a whole new range of business apps that are must have items for 2013. The app world becoming a bubble of discoveries for developers and a world of joy for smart phone users, apps are surely here to stay. Enjoy with our brilliant app development consultations. We give insightful inside-view of the interface, dashboard, UI experience and overall basics of the business apps. Provided here are 10 best app selections to make it easier for your choice and understanding. There are millions of apps currently playing in the market with millions under development in the daily process. Picking up the right one is a tricky thing. While choosing business apps one must take into account a few significant factors such as sharing quotient, attachment utilities, easy linking with web including payment systems, remote view options, memory cleaning tools and high extent of mobile responsiveness. These are the basic components that form an extremely good business app. Please follow our top 10 choices for business apps for the current year:


Give off your workload to this extremely beneficial business app that stores mostly everything. This app allows users to search for items by just putting in the keywords. The best part about this app is its accessibility. Evernote can work well with most computer and mobile devices which makes this app a popular choice. Having a great storage capacity with all forms of data such as photos, voice notes and texts, Evernote is the perfect choice for entrepreneurs who want to play with ideas anywhere and everywhere.


Workshare is ideal for synchronizing files into a work system. This will ensure storing up files and synchronizing them between a mobile device and the workshare platform. Remote accessibility makes it viable for comments, file updates and other functions from anywhere on the move.

Meeting Mapper

This is an app that works well in tracking information like meetings and official updates. Running for iPads meeting mapper allows users to create auto-schedules, actions and steps for a meeting or a seminar. Priced at $6.99 the app is available at iTunes store.


Files stored on Dropbox are easily available for operation with this iPad application.  Files, URLs and all other types of files can be shared between multiple iPads working in a conference. Group Chats and shares become easy with its easy interfaces.  This business app is available at $1.99 from the iTunes Store.


Distribution and data fielding becomes easier with the help of this app. Recording audio clips, clicking pictures and making CAD sketches with the available data make this app a complete clipboard for mobile devices.


Cash management and details of monetary flow becomes easier with this app. Bank accounts and credit cards can be synced well with this app.


All your expenses will be organised and kept track of. This app will allow users to scan, upload and submit payment receipts and expense reports to their employers.

Tempo AI

This is an extremely well organised assistance app that acts as a multi-tasking calendar linking itself to upcoming appointments, meetings, mails and events. You will have emails and phone information popping up in front of you for a better coordination from your end. It comes for free and works well on iOS.


Latest news updates and your favourite blogs, YouTube channels and everything you subscribe to will be aggregated for you. This app works comfortably on iOS, Android and web browsers.


This is an extremely high-value money managing app. Your business transaction will be easier as you will be able to build links with customers, banks and online payment systems such as PayPal. It works comfortably on operating systems like iOS, Windows, Windows and OS X. Xero is available at a price ranging between $19 to $39 per month.

Consumers and developers are in constant need for insights on apps and the requirements for operating and building their platforms respectively. Gaining an in-depth knowledge about Business apps one requires high level of interactions to know about navigation facilities of the applications.