0345 – The Perfect Alternative To 0845 Numbers

0845 numbers, being around for so many years, are now losing their charm as some carriers are imposing much more than local call rates to call 0845 numbers. Therefore, people are now looking for a better alternative to 0845 numbers. Before we talk about 0845 alternatives, you should know what 0845 numbers are and how they work?

0845 Numbers:

0845 numbers belong to the category of non geographic number systems in UK that allow number routing to various mobile and landline numbers along with delivering fax and voicemail to email services. These numbers are extremely beneficial for both individuals as well as business owners as they allow customers to call only one number to contact their required person or business even if that person might have changed his phone number several times. In this way, business people guarantee their availability to their clients, since 0845 number can be conveniently forwarded to any number that gets subscribed with a personalized account. 0845 numbers just point to your existing landline number. The best thing about these numbers is that they are not linked with any geographical region in the United Kingdom and can easily be routed internationally.

Best Alternative to 0845 Numbers:

Many companies are offering alternatives to 0845 numbers these days. The reason is obvious; 0845 numbers are now assumed to cost more than a local phone call, as some telecom companies are including these numbers in call bundles allowances. Therefore, business owners are now switching to 0345 numbers, as they offer lot more benefits than 0845 numbers and are considered one of the best substitutes for 0845 numbers. Some of the benefits using 0345 numbers are:

  • 0345 numbers allow callers to make calls on local rate from landlines and it’s absolutely free to call from cell phones.
  • You only need to pay 2p per minute in order to receive an incoming enquiry.
  • 0345 numbers enable you to effectively promote and advertise your brands and services in a more professional and authenticate manner.
  • With 0345 numbers, re-routing numbers and viewing call statistics online is completely free of cost.
  • It provides a lot better telephone experience to the customer as compared to 0845 numbers.
  • These numbers also include many inclusive inbound minutes provided from the mobile or landline operators.
  • Customers also love to call on 0345 numbers due to their low cost. These numbers are even referred as free-phone numbers for cell phone callers.

How to Find Best Non Geographic Numbers Providers:

Internet is the best place to search for a good provider of non geographic numbers system. If you are searching for them, just look for the following characteristics:

  • The service provider must have a great 0845 or 0345 infrastructure and the company should be affiliated with British Telecom (BT), Carphone Networks and Cable & Wireless (C&W) for routing their traffic.
  • The company must be reliable in providing quality services 24/7 without any interruption.
  • Also the company should provide management information like who called you?, when did he call?, etc., in real time whenever required. This information will also let you know about the location you get most calls from.
  • The pricing structure of the company should also be fair.