Wii Remote Latest Version to be launched in Europe First

Nintendo Wii when first came into the market created waves of excitement and the gaming world community rated it a one of the most innovative way of interaction with the video games realm.

Wii is releasing its latest version called as Wii Remote Plus that includes an improved sensor anatomy and enhanced gaming experience. So in a recent turn of events, Nintendo Wii has announced that Wii Remote Plus will first be launched in Europe, great news for all the Wii enthusiasts in the region.

The latest variant Wii Remote Plus will be launched in Europe and the anticipated date is November 5 which is a week prior before it will be launched in Japan. So what is Wii Remote Plus? It is actually an upgraded variant of the actual Wii Remote, possessing built-in latest Wii Motion hardware. This Wii Remote Plus will allow the players to exercise a higher degree of accuracy and precision while playing on the full console of Nintendo Wii. Till now Nintendo has not released a formal pricing detail but it is expected to be available to the users in four major colors, namely Black, White, Pink and the deep Blue.

Wii Remote Plus almost functions the same way as its previous version and is also of the same size. The Remote has the compatible peripherals as were seen before in the previous versions. Moreover, it also enables the Wii players to see the intricacies of their body parts that are in conjunction for the game play, for example players can work out the motion path of their arms and wrists, twisting on the screens of their Televisions.

Nintendo is also pushing hard to launch Wii Remote plus alongwith the latest Wii game called as FlingSmash which combines two games namely pinball and Tennis. Nintendo is planning to release FlingSmash on November 19. This new platform of games comes bundled up with the latest new Wii Remote Plus console gaming.
