Widgets That Every Business Blog Must Possess

Blogging is not just an activity to pass time anymore; it is a way of life for some, and a business for many others. From a form of venting out opinions to earning some money, Blogging has now become a craze, fast catching up with people of all age groups.

For a business, blogging is a lot more serious. It is considered as a form of image building. What one writes, and what topics they cover etc., all become very important. For a business, it is vital that they don’t take their audience for granted. An article, which is not at all related to the industry of operation, can be extremely damaging to publish.

Writing is one aspect of blogging, whereas presenting it creatively is another. This is where the element of design comes into the picture. The layout of a blog consists of several different aspects like the cover image, the widgets, colors and fonts etc. Widgets are most important, as they make the browsing and reading experience a convenient affair for the reader. Through widgets, readers can also be educated about other operational aspects of the business.

So what are the widgets that a business blog must possess?

Subscribe To Us

This is the button, which allows a reader to receive alerts as and when the blog is updated. Merely by subscription, a business wins a loyal reader, and a reader receives up to date information in return. The higher the number of subscribers, the greater will be the popularity of a brand. They are like those loyal fans, which every business or brand wants.

Blog Stats and Followed Blogs

These buttons are very critical. If a business runs a successful blog that has brilliant stats, then they should proudly flaunt it. Always remember that Internet Marketing and promotion runs on the principle of ‘seeing is believing’, and thus, when a reader looks at big numbers, he/she too wants to join the bandwagon. A list of followed blogs gives the impression about the taste a business unit has, in terms of reading and keeping itself up to date. All of this is important for building the right image.

Social Media Integration

If a business is on several different social media platforms, it is important to let the readers on the blog know about it. One can sync their Facebook timeline, and Twitter feed etc. on the side panels of their blog. This gives a superior look to one’s blog design and also creates the impression that the business is moving ahead with the modern times. It is naturally perceived that all subscribers and regular visitors of the blog would automatically subscribe on Facebook, and follow the business over Twitter too.

Tag Clouds

This is a consolidated interactive cloud created with tags that have been added to the articles over the years. This gives out an impression about the kind of articles one writes, the categories they specialize in, and above all a business’s area of specialization or interest.

These are some of the widgets a business can make use of, to enhance their blogs. Blogging is one of the ways a business can make ample use of the Internet, to create an impressive picture in the eyes of its audiences.

Gabriel Fox is a technology and gadget freak. He offers smart storage solutions like file storage through his website. He also loves to write and give tips about technology through his articles.