What Is The Best Way To Host A Busy Website With High Traffic?

For most people, traditional website hosting from well-known hosting providers is enough to handle the traffic and business that normally comes to a website. However, for huge websites, like Facebook, Google, and other large websites with a huge traffic base, basic web hosting is not enough. For a high-traffic, busy website, a separate kind of hosting is necessary.

There are a couple of options for hosting high-traffic volume websites. The first solution is to use a data center. The second solution is to use a chroot hosting system. Both systems can work well, but the uses of each system vary.

Generally, customized hosting through a data center is the best option for larger websites. A data center offers reliable, secure, and safe data hosting for high-volume sites. A data center will also allow customers to choose the exact servers and other hardware used to host the data, providing the customer with complete customization. The data center then takes over the management of the server and data for you, keeping all information safe and secure.

Sometimes, a website may be able to start with traditional web hosting then move to a data center later on. Standard web hosting often allows a variety of packages for varying traffic levels that are much more affordable than customized data center service. However, moving from one server type to another can be extremely frustrating and difficult, and it may be better to start off with the hosting service that you plan to use long-term. Data centers can also provide better services than most regular web hosts, including a higher percentage of uptime.

The second option for hosting a busy website is using a chroot server. Chroot servers are typically used only by professionals that want to manage and customize their data and information on their own. A chroot server is used for software testing and development, system recovery, software compatibility, and privilege separation. In some cases, a data center may actually use chroot programming and storage to house and maintain some of the data for your website. However, if you are extremely knowledgeable about servers and data hosting, you could save money by creating your own data hosting server for your site.

In general, housing a high-traffic website through a data center is the most reliable and least complicated hosting method available for today’s websites. Data centers provide the customization and care that other servers do not, and are ideal for handling large brands, companies, and high traffic volume. When you have millions of visitors to your site each day, it is extremely important to keep their data safe and available at all times. Trusting this to a standard web hosting server is only setting up your site for failure. All in all, you and your site visitors will be much happier with the customization and support that a customized data center can provide, despite the additional hosting costs. Skimping on hosting power and security is not the best way to save money on a high-volume website.

Guets post by contributing author Richard O., written on behalf of onr.com.