Use Twitter To Help With Holiday Accidents

No one wants to think about having an accident when they go on holiday but unfortunately these are becoming more and more common. Each year people will trip and fall from balconies, get injured while participating in activities, get hurt while swimming and more.

If you use Twitter you will know how easy it is to check out feeds and get in contact with other people. It is fast to use and you can read an update written on the other side of the world pretty much as soon as it has been uploaded. This means that any information that is written on a feed can be seen very quickly.

As well as using Twitter for fun and to be sociable you can also use it to help to deal with accident while on holiday. So here are some of the feeds that you might be interested in:

FCO – Foreign and Commonwealth Office – this is an essential feed for anyone who is travelling to a destination that has political unrest, natural disasters and outbreaks of illnesses that can be contagious.

NHS Direct – this is the feed for you if you need advice on illnesses, vaccinations and much more. You can also take a look at any health alters that you might need to know when you are on holiday.

RAC – a good feed if you are in the UK and you break down.

First Choice Holidays – check out this feed for up to date information if you are going on holiday with this company.

TUI which includes many of the larger tour operators such as Thomson

All of these feeds are updated daily as a minimum and many will have frequent updates throughout the day that you can take a look at.

When you are arranging your holiday travel insurance you should speak to the company who you are buying it from and see if there are on Twitter. If so sign up to their feeds and you will be able to Tweet them if you plan on going on a trip of taking part in an activity and you want to check if your insurance covers you.

As you can see using this popular and simple social network can help you to have a happier and safer holiday and can give you the advice you need should you or someone who you are travelling with have an accident.

To ensure you get compensation for your holiday accident speak to a specialist lawyer who can talk you through the steps needed to be taken.