Things I Would Do In The SEO World If I had The Money

In the SEO and Internet marketing world, it is very easy to go off and get very dreamy eyed for a couple of hours – getting lost reading some of the top SEO blogs out there and wishing that you could implement what they were telling you to do all in one day.

Money and time make the world go round, and so much of that is true when it comes to doing your best making money online. You always find yourself promising yourself that one day you are going to “make that investment” or “make that purchase” that is going to better your online business and pan out for you in the long run.

Unfortunately no man can conquer 3,087 tasks that all make money in one day and therefore we have to continue to be dreamy eyed, while we continue to purchase domain names that we will never get around to building up. Which brings me to my first point…

#1. I would fulfill every idea I had when I purchased domain names that I thought would pan out if I just put the work in. Starting up from scratch with a website takes a lot of work, and you really can’t do it too many times in this world. If I had the money, I would outsource every bit of work that needed to be done with these websites to get them up and running in no time.

Side Note: A great business model, that takes place often in the poker industry (because poker affiliates that send more referrals make more money), is that the giants do not hoard up the domain names. They allow the little guys to build out the websites, and then buy them out. They instantly turn around and make 2 to 4 times the amount of money than the previous owner, and make their money back in a relatively short period of time (compared to other affiliate websites that get flipped). There is much to be learned from this model!

#2. I would sign up for’s forum that costs $300.00 a month. Can you believe that! Three hundred big ones a month! Every time I go to that site I have to laugh out loud when the site proclaims “For only $10 a day you can…..” Really, only $10 dollars a day? – Funny! But that being said I hear the forum is an absolute gold mine, and it is something that is definitely on my SEO bucket list.

#4. I would start a content mill. Yes, we all know about the Panda update, and how it supposedly “killed” the content mills of the world, and even search engines like Blekko have totally blacklisted content mills from their site (even eHow!). But they are still cost effective. If they aren’t making $50 dollars per every $10 they spend, they are still making $20 per every $10 they spend, which is still a great investment!

#5. I would invest in high quality video tutorial websites. There is a high demand on the Internet for tutorial videos. There are all sorts of software programs out there that are very high tech that people have to spend thousands of dollars to go to school for that you could offer up on the Internet for close to for free. A specialized tutorial websites based on high tech videos is a crazy legit way to get crazy legit traffic quite easily. This is especially true because SEO comes so naturally with these types of websites, as everybody will be naturally linking to your site because of the level high quality value that it provides!

#6. I would take a personal hiatus from the Internet marketing world to spend a year or two learning how to do some hardcore programming. Every time I watch the movie “The Social Network” this is what I want to do with my life. Not only because programming is so cool, but because it opens your mind up for ideas for things that you can do on the web that you didn’t even know before. Programming won’t only allow you to do sweet stuff on the web and on your computer, but it will actually be the reason you get great ideas.

But for now, it’s back to the drawing board, and to the day job! It takes money to make money – and that is especially true in online business.

This article was written by Philip Russell. Philip works for an Internet marketing company by day over at which is known for its highly reputable white label link building services. In his spare time he enjoys to research the ever changing Internet marketing world and learn new things. He is also an aspiring computer programmer and is working on his own site geared towards music that will launch sometime this fall.