There's More Than One Way To Make Money With Web Conferences

Entrepreneurs recognize the opportunity for financial success that paid web conferences offer. However, some are under the mistaken assumption that the only method to make money from webinars is by selling many tickets to attendees. Web conferences are like public seminars: The web conference is planned and promoted as widely as possible and incentives are offered for registering early. Bookings are made via credit card and organizers host the event.

Of course, that is one way to run a web conference, but it isn’t the only way. The major problem with this approach is that it seems as if everyone is running a web conference. It can be difficult to get enough attendees to make the venture profitable. Hosts need do a great deal of advertising and have access to a mega mailing list. Hosts also have to spend lots of time following up with people who register. This can be extremely time-consuming. Either way it’s smart to choose how to choose web conference software.

The great news is that there are many other ways to make money from web conferences. Here are the 5 most common methods:

Hold Private Web Conferences for Companies and Associations

Instead of hosting public web conferences and extracting money from each attendee’s wallet, run a private web conference instead. Private web conferences are paid for by one client and it’s very similar to running an in-house seminar or training.

There are many entrepreneurs making lots of money this way. They market their services to fewer clients but get bigger fees. It’s much easier to focus efforts on fewer clients and make more money by offering web conferencing services to companies and associations. In fact, many people who choose this option are able to make most of their money by this method alone.

Web Conferences as Extra Bonuses with Other Products

If you are involved in selling books or other products, offering a free web conference as a bonus can increase sales. You can adjust the product price to provide for the amount of the webinar fee. People who use this method often continue to do webinars as they develop new products.

Three-Part Web Conferences

People who are normally wary of attending a web conference might be more inclined to do so if they are offered a 3 part series. People can register for web conferences and attend each of the following:

  •  An Introductory conference
  •  The main webinar, and
  •  A follow up session

If attendees  feel they are getting optimum value for their investment, they are more likely to purchase tickets to a webinar, and they are more likely to pay more for it. It doesn’t take much effort to do this as it basically divides up the web conference into three parts.

Regular Web Conferences for Paid Members

Web conferences are a low cost/ high value method for delivering material to key people in your network. Whether they are members or ‘A-List’ clients, a web conference is a great way to keep them engaged. Most entrepreneurs find that by offering webinars only to members of their sites, paid memberships increase exponentially.

Free Webinars for Sales Pitches

Many entrepreneurs are having great success using free web conferences to pitch products. If you are a persuasive seller, this is a great way to make money. While it is a very good reason to run a free web conference, it’s not a quick method- unless you happen to be a very good salesperson. If you are looking to make money more quickly, start with some of the other suggestions on the list.

Web conferences are a great way to make money if handled properly. Web conferences are easy to host and there isn’t a great deal of financial commitment required. For an expert on any particular topic with a steady and established network of potential attendees, a web conference can be a wonderful way to generate a steady stream of online revenue.

Mark Harris, a successful thirty-something writer and internet marketer enjoys working from both home and a local coffee house nearby. He and his wife live in White Rock, BC on Canada’s beautiful west coast. He enjoys spending time at local beaches and is an avid kayaker. He also enjoys hiking. Harris spends a lot of time researching his articles. He used for this article.