The Top 5 Electronic Trivia Games

Trivia and electronic games naturally go together. The question-and-answer format of trivia questions works perfectly in electronic form, where a computer or other device displays a question while keeping the answer completely hidden from view of the players. The device can then show the answer when the players are ready to see it. With today’s computer and device gaming market, it’s no wonder that a large number of electronic trivia games are available. Here are some of our favorites.

Trivial Pursuit Digital Choice
No list of trivia games would be complete without a contribution from Trivial Pursuit. Trivial Pursuit Digital Choice comes complete with the board and game pieces you’ve always used, but there is a twist: the questions are on a battery-powered electronic device instead of traditional card decks. The device comes preloaded with 600 questions, and you can purchase and download more at the website. The unit keeps track of the questions asked, so you won’t have to use the same question twice.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
Games based on this popular television game show are available for video gaming and computer platforms, as well as for download on mobile devices. The current iOS version is based on the current format of the show, so fans of the original show may find it a bit unfamiliar. Sounds and animations are just like those on the show. The game boasts almost 1000 general knowledge trivia questions for you to answer on your road to winning $1,000,000. (Sorry, monetary payoffs not included.)

Smarty Pants
Several games are available for the Wii and other gaming platforms. Smarty Pants, a trivia game for the Wii, allows people of all ages to compete together by tailoring trivia questions to each player. The game asks younger children questions on their level, while giving more complicated questions to older players. Spin the wheel to choose your category by making a spinning motion with your Wii remote. Wii remote capabilities are incorporated into other gameplay features as well.

Recommended for ages 7 to 12, Jitterz is a self-contained electronic trivia game composed of a central box surrounded by a hand pad on each of the four sides, allowing up to four players at once. Although the questions may be simple enough for school-age children, there’s a speed element as well. So even adults can enjoy playing this game with their kids—or with each other. Through the speaker in the central box, the game announces a question, accompanied quickly by several possible answers. When you hear the correct answer, simply lift your hand up from the hand pad. The game also has other formats, allowing for versatility and greater challenges.

Twenty Questions
Handheld battery-powered Twenty Questions games come in several versions, but the gist is the same for all of them. You, the player, think of something within the category of the game’s sphere of knowledge—maybe NFL football, or The Simpsons. Then answer the questions that the device has for you. The devices are surprisingly effective at deducing what you’re thinking of.

Would You Enjoy an Electronic Trivia Game . . . or two?  Electronic trivia games have some advantages over card-based or book-based games. They allow everyone to compete together, rather than requiring one player to leave the action, read the questions, and checks the answers. Electronic trivia games also enable one person to play alone. Plus they have some pretty nifty features, like sound effects and timers that non-electronic games don’t usually have. If you’re into trivia, electronic trivia games may be the answer you’re looking for.


Author John Fisher is an avid fan of trivia quiz questions, games and activities, such as general knowledge quizzes.