The Benefits Of Hiring A Tech Apprentice

If you’re running a SME there are several costs to think about, but now there is a need to keep up in the digital race. Without having tech talent in your company you will be fighting a loosing battle, but this can be addressed with hiring a tech apprentice.

A study by the Tech Partnership states that the UK needs up to 134,000 new tech specialists every year, with over 215 companies struggle to find tech specialists when trying to fill vacancies.

There is clearly a shortage of digital talent, so if your business is facing a recruitment challenge or needs the extra skills, taking on a tech apprentice could be the right move for your SME.

Lower Upfront Costs

In 2014, the government set aside a great deal of funding for SME apprenticeships. You could access over £1,500 per apprentice depending on their age and the size of your company.

An apprentice salary will reflect their trainee status and will be cheaper to hire than a graduate burdened with University debt.

Immediate Impact

Bringing in a fresh face that is enthusiastic and brings new skills will undoubtedly have benefits. Training providers credited by Tech Industry Gold will work with you to ensure a quick return on your investment into a tech apprentice.

A tech apprentice can fill many roles including software development, database development, technical support and digital marketing. The millennial generation are ‘digital narratives’ and have a close understanding of the social media tools your business may be crying out for.

Tech apprentices are a quick way to bring sought after skills into a company and could help you with website design, setting up an Instagram account, online customer service and so much more.

Long-term Benefits

A long-term investment into an individual will enable you to mould their skillset to your business needs and drive future success.

Your current employees who assist in the digital aspect of your business will see their workload spread out, especially if they’re not as tech-savvy as your apprentice. Other parts of your organisation will be able to grow and this allows them to focus on other priorities – saving time and boosting revenue.

The National Apprentice Service found that a SME hiring a tech apprentice is also likely to attract new customers. Research shows that 80% of people surveyed would be more inclined to use a business hiring an apprentice.

Tech Apprentices – Your Business’ Future Is In Their Hands

There is an abundance of tech-savvy people across the UK who have energy, enthusiasm and fresh ideas. Hiring a tech apprentice will not only save you money, but you can develop them under your vision.

Millennials are the upcoming workforce generation that were born with technology at their fingertips – use it to your advantage! Tapping into a tech apprentices skillset is what your company needs to grow, win new business and ultimately stay competitive in the digital age.

At careermap, we work closely with businesses engaging with apprenticeships and know a great deal about industries. If hiring a tech apprentice sounds like something your company could benefit from, don’t be afraid to get in contact with us.

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