Tech and Triage: How Technology Has Changed How We Approach Healthcare

There is not a single industry in the world that the advancement of technology has not affected. Technology drives innovation, and this is especially true today in the health field. Below are several examples of how technology has changed how both healthcare providers and patients are approaching healthcare in the modern world.

Health Kiosks

Self-service kiosks placed in hospitals and other medical facilities allow patients to handle some of the aspects of their visits to the doctor on their own. Typical tasks that a person would be able to accomplish through a self-service kiosk are checking in for appointments, handling co-pays, completing paperwork, confirming their identification and more. This technology makes getting healthcare services more convenient for patients, while also reducing operating costs for the organization providing the care.

Electronic Medical Records

Few advancements in the world of healthcare over the last couple of decades have had an impact as strong as the creation of electronic medical records. By creating digital versions of personal medical histories, these records can be accessed, searched and analyzed in seconds. These databases of electronic records have created an environment where all of the aspects of a patients’ healthcare experience can be seen, shared and utilized from a single intuitive platform. EMR software is being improved and implemented all the time, so it’s important for healthcare providers to keep abreast of relevant changes. While data conversions for EMR can present some obstacles for these healthcare providers, using a legacy EMR data extractor can keep IT costs down while making sure data retention mandates are met.

Wearable Health Technology

The market for wearable devices that can track various aspects of a person’s health is booming. Aside from giving users details about their personal health, these devices are an exciting way to track health data across a large group of people, enabling healthcare professionals to make better decisions and provide better care.

Home Health Monitoring

Many people today who consult with a physician will end up returning home with some kind of remote health monitoring tool. One of the most common types of remote monitoring tools, just as an example, is the pacemaker. These monitoring devices, using sensors attached in one way or another to the body of a patient, track chosen data points over time, and if any serious issues come up, an alarm is sent to a remote facility. From there, the alarm is passed on to a healthcare professional who can help the affected patient by responding to whatever complication has arisen.

These are just a few of the many examples that you will find out how technology has impacted modern healthcare. As you can see, technology is creating many exciting opportunities for medical professionals and patients alike.