Tips And Tricks For Those New To Linux

Most people are only familiar with using operating systems like Windows and Mac OSX. It can be a little intimidating to start using a new operating system. This is especially true when you are switching to something like Linux. If you are getting started with Linux I’ll show you several tips and tricks to get… Continue reading Tips And Tricks For Those New To Linux

Keep Calm And Write On: How To Stay In The Copywriting Zone

I’ll be honest with you. There are times when I’m on a roll with my writing, and there are times when I most certainly am not.  The worst part is when I’m on a roll and I’ve suddenly been thrown off a track and no matter what I do to get resituated, my concentration is… Continue reading Keep Calm And Write On: How To Stay In The Copywriting Zone

How To Write A Blog Worth Reading

These days nearly everyone has a blog if not two.  Some people just use them for personal issues like a journal, some try to be entertaining and some even try to make money off of them, but whatever the case may be, blogging is its own art form. Here are some guidelines. First of all,… Continue reading How To Write A Blog Worth Reading

Is Your Writing Suffering? Stop Writer’s Block Now!

Copywriters are very resilient creatures. We can stay up all night cranking out words to meet a deadline, we can hold our tongues when someone mistakenly uses “addicting” instead of “addictive,” and we can still manage to have some sanity and dignity left in our souls after a 3rd revision. But even the toughest copywriters… Continue reading Is Your Writing Suffering? Stop Writer’s Block Now!

Is Your Writing Suffering? Stop Writer's Block Now!

Copywriters are very resilient creatures. We can stay up all night cranking out words to meet a deadline, we can hold our tongues when someone mistakenly uses “addicting” instead of “addictive,” and we can still manage to have some sanity and dignity left in our souls after a 3rd revision. But even the toughest copywriters… Continue reading Is Your Writing Suffering? Stop Writer's Block Now!

Six Characteristics Of A Great Infographic

Infographics are quite popular when it comes to viral content. People love to share visual media, and infographics are the best of both worlds: visual content and information. Infographics aren’t easy, however, and many people fail to create ones that really succeed. Here are six characteristics of a great infographic. Valuable Information Your infographic needs… Continue reading Six Characteristics Of A Great Infographic

4 Popular Types Of Business People Run Online

Because there is no need for people to spend money on fuel or childcare when working online, many individuals have begun to conduct business online. A wide variety of business opportunities has been developed for the computer savvy individual that wishes to expand his or her income. Any person can run these opportunities from the… Continue reading 4 Popular Types Of Business People Run Online

Word-Of-Mouth Marketers – Do The FTC Revisions Affect You?

In the midst of the uncertainty surrounding the new regulation revisions regarding endorsements set out by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), certain parties are unclear as to whether the new changes affect their line of work or not. As the guidelines seem to cover marketers, affiliates, businesses and vendors from high class celebrities to the… Continue reading Word-Of-Mouth Marketers – Do The FTC Revisions Affect You?

Why Affiliate Marketing Is Not For Everyone

Affiliate marketing is an interesting procedure that involves marketing items from other people and getting commissions off of any successful referrals that you create. This sounds like a great idea in theory. This doesn’t mean that every single person who tries affiliate marketing is going to be successful at it. There are many reasons why… Continue reading Why Affiliate Marketing Is Not For Everyone

Timeline To Achieving Real Traffic

Making money online is a lot of hard work, but it is by no means impossible. Armed with the proper knowledge, tools, resources, and a solid action plan, you can be successful in a matter of weeks. It may take a lot of trial and error, a lot of learning from mistakes, and learning to… Continue reading Timeline To Achieving Real Traffic