7 Gadgets Any Mom Wants Around The House To Help De-Stress

Moms have such a hard time trying to look after the home, kids, food, pets, and everything else that comes along with the job. Sometimes it’s easy to get stressed if you let it get the better of you. That can happen quite easily when you’re always rushed off your feet without knowing what’s going… Continue reading 7 Gadgets Any Mom Wants Around The House To Help De-Stress

Easy Ways to Protect Your Digital Content

In this article I will go over a few of my favorite ways of protecting digital content. Since today almost everything we do is now stored in a digital form of some kind. This includes our digital pictures from our cameras, cell phones, camcorders to our creative works which could be word documents, powerpoint presentations, Photoshop images, digital art, journal entries, and the list goes on and on.