Music Video Creates Buzz About Anti-Bullying

Bullying has been around for centuries. Whether it is in the classroom, playground, or online it has not slowed down and there is no anticipation of it stopping. Parents and teachers have been working to eliminate the problem by stepping in and creating programs. Some of these programs have had some success stories and several… Continue reading Music Video Creates Buzz About Anti-Bullying

The Recession Isn’t All Doom And Gloom

The recession seems to have been with us for so long now, and media reports have continued to highlight the difficulties that are still being faced by individuals as well as business organisations. Amid all the tales of despondency and hardship, it’s sometimes easy to forget that there are plenty of success stories as well.… Continue reading The Recession Isn’t All Doom And Gloom

5 Reasons Your Business Needs to Have a Blog

With the Internet available to everyone today and blogs becoming more common, it is definitely a tool that businesses need to use in order to ensure success. Of course, just having a blog is not the answer to success; you must use your blog in order to do more than just generate business for your… Continue reading 5 Reasons Your Business Needs to Have a Blog