The Delivery Times of SMS notifications

The average time for a text message to be delivered to the recipient is about seven seconds. While this is undoubtedly quick, it can still not be considered as real time communication. There are a number of factors that affect the delivery times of SMS notifications, with the main one being the amount of text… Continue reading The Delivery Times of SMS notifications

Low Incidence Of Natural Disasters In Austin

Subject: Low Incidence of Natural Disasters in Austin Austin is in Central Texas, northwest of Houston, occupying an area of 270 square miles. The eastern part of the city is flat, while the western side has rolling hills. Austin lies on the Colorado River and has several man-made lakes. The city has a series of… Continue reading Low Incidence Of Natural Disasters In Austin

3 Things To Avoid When Signing Up With An Internet Provider

So you’ve gone online and found an internet provider that’s offering a great price for service. All that’s left is to sign up and enjoy great discounts, right? Not so fast; signing up with an ISP based solely on price or another feature they’re promoting won’t tell you all you need to know about a… Continue reading 3 Things To Avoid When Signing Up With An Internet Provider

5 Best Geeky Tech Gifts

As Christmas rolls round again, it becomes time to go through that annual ordeal, buying presents. However, with the continual growth of online shopping much of it can be done from the comfort of your home, with a nice cuppa. So with that in mind here are some of the best gifts for your geeky… Continue reading 5 Best Geeky Tech Gifts

What To Look for In Quality Storage Technology

One of the greatest challenges for businesses throughout time has been how to most effectively manage the huge amounts of data that businesses collect and use. A few decades ago, many offices had huge basement rooms filled with row after row of towering filing cabinets containing customer information, product information, sales records and who knows… Continue reading What To Look for In Quality Storage Technology

5 Factors to Consider Before Upgrading Your Computer

You may not know it -depending on your requirement- often you will save money by buying a new computer instead of upgrading an old one. Sometimes, a whole new computer is considerably cheaper than the sum of its components. But if you can reuse many old components such as the LCD display, hard drive and… Continue reading 5 Factors to Consider Before Upgrading Your Computer