Blekko Search Engine for Better SEO

Blekko Makes it out of Beta and Opens for Business Blekko is the creation of Rich Skrenta and his team, who previously brought you Topix and Open Directory. Blekko is a search engine with a twist – slashtags. Using slashtags to perform a search allows users to customize the web so the results they get… Continue reading Blekko Search Engine for Better SEO

7 Rules Of Facebook Promotion Every Small Business Should Know

Facebook promotion is not a simple thing. Not reading the rules and knowing local laws can lead to a Facebook ban. In some cases, the marketer can be charged for running an unlawful promotion. The following tips will help you avoid common and costly mistakes. 1. “Like this page for a chance at a free… Continue reading 7 Rules Of Facebook Promotion Every Small Business Should Know

Is It Better to Buy an iPod or a Satellite Radio System?

The iPod’s competition includes hardware like the Microsoft Zune. So why compare it to satellite radio? Well, quite simply, when it comes down to someone’s holiday wish list, both the iPod and the satellite radio are considered two different forms of the same thing: audio stimulation. In the marketplace, many of these devices won’t compete… Continue reading Is It Better to Buy an iPod or a Satellite Radio System?

Dangers Of Facebook Face Recognition On Picture Uploads

Ok, I think this is one of the more problematic features of Facebook with dramatic potential of invading your privacy much more than you ever wanted. Facebook is activating face recognition for photos that users upload to their Facebook profiles. And as always, Facebook is activating this feature by default and the user has to… Continue reading Dangers Of Facebook Face Recognition On Picture Uploads

Business Insight: Focus on Your Core Business

The Secret Sauce Every single day, somebody tries to pitch a new “business insight”. You can’t really blame those people for hawking the latest “secret sauce”, after all multinationals have been built on the concept of a “secret sauce” such as Coca-Cola and KFC. After all, who wouldn’t want a peek at the Colonel’s secret… Continue reading Business Insight: Focus on Your Core Business

Facebook Accounts: For Children of all Ages?

Should children under 13 be allowed to use Facebook as CEO Zuckerberg claims? CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg recently announced during the NewSchools education summit in California that children under the age of 13 should be allowed to use Facebook. Zuckerberg has long been an advocator of educational reform and he contends that Facebook could… Continue reading Facebook Accounts: For Children of all Ages?

Google VS Bing – Search Engine Wars – Which Is Better

This is a question that is being asked all over. This writer has done a few tests and quite frankly, they have more similarities than differences. Everybody knows Google and Bing is the young upstart from Microsoft, just trying to make a name for its self in the big leagues. Quite naturally, when people think… Continue reading Google VS Bing – Search Engine Wars – Which Is Better