The Growing Role of Information Technology in Production Processes

What began with Henry Ford’s assembly line in the 18th century has been taken a few steps further towards a highly automated production industry in the course of the last 40 years. Information technology has been implemented into factories in order to increase their production speed and to facilitate highly product customisation. As a consequence,… Continue reading The Growing Role of Information Technology in Production Processes

Considerations For The Industrial Curing Processes Of Products

The last stage of a product’s manufacturing procedure is the curing process. A curing oven is used to increase the product’s mass and coated material to a certain temperature while holding this set temperature for a required amount of time. This stabilises the chemical compounds contained within the product and its coating. The application of… Continue reading Considerations For The Industrial Curing Processes Of Products

Investing In Quality Inventory Management Processes

What Is an Inventory System? An understanding of what an inventory system entails is necessary in demonstrating the need for one. Business performance largely reflects on business success and failures. An inventory system is what keeps a business in check, by balancing between incoming goods and outgoing sales. The inventory system is crucial when analyzing… Continue reading Investing In Quality Inventory Management Processes