Farming On Mars? It May Be The Future

When we consider space colonization, some of the complications we’ll face are food production, oxygen production and waste filtration. We could spend years of research and vast sums of money creating systems to do this, or carry foodstuffs from Earth, but why do that when it seems we could just plant crops to do it… Continue reading Farming On Mars? It May Be The Future

Three Social Media Sites You Should Keep Your Eye On

Tumblr Tumblr has grown exceptionally large over the last few years and has creeped its way onto the top list of social media to use. It has a close similarity to WordPress, but so does every blog. Here are some interesting facts about Tumblr (2011 stats): 33,313,879 Tumblrs 12,255,883,250 posts 38,000 posts per minute There… Continue reading Three Social Media Sites You Should Keep Your Eye On