Technical Translation– A Thorough Overview For Beginners

Technical translation is the process of translating technical documents such as owners’ manuals or user guides etc . One of the main concerns of translating the technical data is the special terminology that should be handled delicately during the translation process. The translator should be well educated in the related fields to whichever document they… Continue reading Technical Translation– A Thorough Overview For Beginners

Facebook: The Gateway to Modern Romance

Social networking is slowly and gradually encompassing the web domain and it is becoming an essential part of our everyday life. Now it doesn’t matter whether you are sitting in South America under the summer sun or sitting halfway across the world under the cold European weather, social networking will keep you connected to your… Continue reading Facebook: The Gateway to Modern Romance

Modern Media Editing and Playback with the CyberLink Media Suite 8 Ultra

This most recent suite for the editing and playing of media has a sound editor added for the very first time.  This suite has been modernized with a dapper fresh starter interface and even Blu-ray playback.  These modernizations, coupled with topnotch video edition; a graphics card acceleration to enable quicker performance; and a coherent modern… Continue reading Modern Media Editing and Playback with the CyberLink Media Suite 8 Ultra