Samsung Smart Windows To Revolutionise The Home

Samsung trumped the competition to land the innovation award at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) for its Smart Window Display. In what looks like something right out of a latest Hollywood Sci-Fi film the Smart Window aims to replace your humdrum double glazing with sleek LCD transparent glass which also doubles as a touchscreen… Continue reading Samsung Smart Windows To Revolutionise The Home

Rolex, Technology and Beyond

Rolex, a luxury watch brand, was founded by Hans Wilsdorf and his brother-in-law Alfred Davis, in 1905. Rolex Company is the largest watch manufacturer in the world, producing 2000 watches a day-a sign of status and class. It is a privately owned company, generating approx $3 billion in revenues (2003 figures). Rolex is famous not… Continue reading Rolex, Technology and Beyond