Why Use 3D Printing

Why Use 3D Printing image source With so much hype at the moment about 3D printing technology, you would imagine it is a cutting edge technology which has only just invented. Well, you’d be wrong in thinking that. In fact, 3D printing actually came about in the 90s – and has been used in different… Continue reading Why Use 3D Printing

Competitive Manufacturing Requires Custom Software

Competitive Manufacturing Requires Custom Software As the economy rebounds, manufacturers needs to use new software to capitalize growth by cutting costs and improving productivity. Enterprises that use pre-made CAD and CAM software save money in the short term, but these programs only make it so far. Enterprises need dynamic software that is customized to their… Continue reading Competitive Manufacturing Requires Custom Software

Electronic Product Suppliers; Finding A Perfect (Manufacturing) Partner

The ever-changing, and increasingly restrictive, regulatory requirements for electronic manufacturing companies are just one of the difficulties that manufacturers have faced in the last few years.  Added to this fact the increasingly stiff competition both at home and from overseas along with the increasing demands from consumers for widely differentiated products, the climate for product… Continue reading Electronic Product Suppliers; Finding A Perfect (Manufacturing) Partner

Automating Manufacturing With Pressure Sensors

Pressure sensors lend themselves to many applications and they are perhaps the most efficient switching mechanism to be used in manufacturing. From a safety point of view, they can be used to regulate flow and temperature, but pressure switches can also be used to ensure the smooth running of a production line. Minimising Downtime and… Continue reading Automating Manufacturing With Pressure Sensors

CNC Machinery – Lathes And Milling Machines Explanied

Lathes, Milling Machines and the Advent of CNC Manufacturing has been an important aspect of production for a long period of time. Originally, all machinery had to be manually operated and supervised. With the introduction of CNC (Computer Numerical Control) technology, most manufacturing processes require much less labor and yield equal or greater results. What… Continue reading CNC Machinery – Lathes And Milling Machines Explanied

Is Contract Packaging For You?

Contract packaging is a multi-range type of service. A contract packager is a company that provides different types of packaging services. Some are only tasked to pack another company’s products while others manufacture the products themselves and pack it for the client company. A contract packager provides the manpower, equipment, location and anything else that… Continue reading Is Contract Packaging For You?

Increasing Production Throughput With Manufacturing Software

Every manufacturer understands the importance of increasing their manufacturing throughput. Success means the company has lowered its manufacturing cycle times, eliminated the high costs of material shortages, increased its production capacity and has been successful in reducing the costs of lost or idle time. However, can a company achieve these results through manual processes? In… Continue reading Increasing Production Throughput With Manufacturing Software

All About Fire Resistant Fabrics

Fire resistant or fire retardant fabrics are chemically treated to make them more resistant to flames or they are made out of certain fabrics that are inherently flame resistant. The term fire resistant or fire retardant doesn’t mean fire proof. Although these fabrics have slow burning rates, but they only work to curb starting fires;… Continue reading All About Fire Resistant Fabrics

The History Of Land Rover

Land Rover is one of the most familiar, recognisable and successful brands in the motoring industry but how exactly did it come to power? Nowadays, the company – based in Warwickshire – specialises in four-wheel-drive vehicles but the car’s history can be drawn back to what is regarded the invention of the bicycle in the… Continue reading The History Of Land Rover

The Moral Cost of the iPad and other Gadgets

The recent spotlight on Apple’s association with Foxconn in China has shed a glaring light on the morally murky practice of using foreign labor to manufacture products consumed in the US and around the World. The issue is far from cut and dry, with strong arguments on both sides. On one hand, human rights activists… Continue reading The Moral Cost of the iPad and other Gadgets