How to secure an Oracle Linux environment

In today’s corporate world, intruders often find an entry point which allows them to access PRIVATE information. An Oracle Linux environment alleviates that hassle because it is designed to create a security environment by default. When you create an Oracle Linux environment, you do not have to update it yearly as it is designed to… Continue reading How to secure an Oracle Linux environment

How Editorials Can Boost Your SEO

We’ve all become a little bit disillusioned by the black and white animals Google keeps introducing us to. First Panda, then Penguin, the search engine giant appears to be on a mission to keep us on our toes when it comes to our online marketing techniques. What has been established from both of these algorithm… Continue reading How Editorials Can Boost Your SEO

The Importance Of A Patch Management Process

The threat of a business suffering a cyber-attack continues to rise. Businesses of all sizes must learn from mistakes and invest in their security infrastructure. The rise could be attributed to how easy it is to gain access to technical cyber-attack tools such as Zeus and SpyEye. This comes from the OTMS, Online Threats Managed… Continue reading The Importance Of A Patch Management Process

Website Project Management Tools – Top 3 Comparisons

There are numerous website project management tools that can help you collaborate effectively in your business. As your business, workload and number of hired employees expand, it becomes difficult to effectively manage each and every process, especially, if your business is more task-oriented. In order to keep a bird’s view, so you don’t miss important… Continue reading Website Project Management Tools – Top 3 Comparisons

The Areas Covered By Cloud Management

In basic terms, cloud management is a term given to the task of managing and monitoring services using a remote server. Through cloud management, the user can access data, software and storage services without needing to know the location of the server that provides these services. The user can utilise specific services that are relevant… Continue reading The Areas Covered By Cloud Management