Is IPTV Or Online Content Better Than Traditional Cable?

So much content is available to us elsewhere these days. No longer are we chained to our family rooms if we want to watch movies or catch an episode of our favorite show. DVRs allow us to record several episodes, even entire seasons of shows. And video streaming services allow us to watch any kind… Continue reading Is IPTV Or Online Content Better Than Traditional Cable?

IPTV and the Decline of Ritual and the Physical Format

Internet Protocol Television. It sounds like something complicated but you probably use it all the time. There are three types: live broadcast, catchup and unscheduled recorded viewing. Iplayer is an example, and so is 4od. There are innumerate sites on the internet to watch television on and everyone wants it for free. It’s roughly the… Continue reading IPTV and the Decline of Ritual and the Physical Format