Competing for Conversion

If you’ve spent any amount of time around Web marketers, you’ve probably heard a lot of talk about conversions and how to increase them throughout a company’s sales cycle. When you start talking about conversion rates, and how to leverage your marketing collateral to boost your conversion rates, you start to hear phrases like user… Continue reading Competing for Conversion

Secure Data Centres for Africa

Business thrives on speed; in today’s climate, the ability to connect in an instant is what distinguishes the winners from the also-rans. In much of the developed world, this is a feature that is easily available and therefore often taken for granted. However, for developing and under-developed countries that are only now waking to the… Continue reading Secure Data Centres for Africa

IT Recruitment in 2013

It’s a scary time right now in the UK. The word of austerity is on every lip in the House of Commons and Downing Street. To corrupt a phrase, it’s time to look smarter, not harder. It’s easy to send out multiple applications through the various websites, but it is not the same as having… Continue reading IT Recruitment in 2013

Discover 4 Easy-To-Miss Characteristics Of Elite VPN Services

As the VPN marketplace becomes more competitive, it is getting harder to identify the best VPN service providers.  This isn’t because the gap is closing between the best and rest, but rather because middle-tier VPN providers are becoming more recognizable and lower quality services have amped up their advertising and marketing efforts.  The trick is… Continue reading Discover 4 Easy-To-Miss Characteristics Of Elite VPN Services

Four Things All Network Managers Need In Place

Managing a network, be it for your own business or for a variety of clients, is far from being a walk in the park. As technology expands and advances there are always more things that can go wrong, which means, as a network manager, you need to constantly have your finger on the pulse of… Continue reading Four Things All Network Managers Need In Place

Why Are So Many Businesses Investing In Creating A Mobile Environment?

As 2013 begins, there are certain economic realities that business owners of all types are facing. Whether it’s healthcare or construction, businesses are being forced to adapt to rapid changes and the demands of a technology driven world. The real game changer has been the proliferation of mobile devices, both smart phones and tablets. This… Continue reading Why Are So Many Businesses Investing In Creating A Mobile Environment?

The Types Of Broadband Connections Explained

The term “broadband” refers to an Internet connection that has a high bandwidth. Unlike the older, slower “dial-up” type of Internet connection that it replaced, an open broadband connection does not block the phone and so there is no need to connect and disconnect at the beginning and end of each session; indeed most broadband… Continue reading The Types Of Broadband Connections Explained

Understanding The IT Infrastructure Costs

What makes colocation so appealing?   Colocation services are quite flexible when it comes to providing server space. In contrast, one main issue with private data centers is that they can only house a certain number of servers. As a company grows, more IT space is almost guaranteed to be required. With an in-house data center,… Continue reading Understanding The IT Infrastructure Costs

Remotely Monitoring A Technology Facility

A data center facility is typically comprised of highly advanced IT equipment, support equipment or infrastructure, and personnel. Conventional features include a redundant power and cooling infrastructure. Security is also a matter of great concern to the owners of data centers due to the nature of the data that their facilities store. While these things… Continue reading Remotely Monitoring A Technology Facility

Cloud Services Can Help Your Business Stay Efficient While Saving You Money

Cloud hosted services are growing in popularity. In fact, leading tech analysts at IDC predict the cloud services industry will grow by at least 80 percent by the end of this decade. Researchers at Gartner estimate the worldwide market for cloud services will grow to more than $109 billion this year. The cloud hosted services… Continue reading Cloud Services Can Help Your Business Stay Efficient While Saving You Money