Apple and Google: Going their separate ways

Apple and Google are currently the two biggest companies in the tech world. Apple, thanks to its revolutionary iPhone and iPad. Google, thanks to its Android OS and the Nexus S (and soon-to-come Chrome OS). So intense has the war between these two companies been that others have been laid by the wayside. Currently, Nokia… Continue reading Apple and Google: Going their separate ways

7 Ways to Design a Search Engine Friendly Site

When designing a website, it is important to make informed decisions about each design element in order to optimize the site for search engine rankings. Many of your visitors are likely to come from search engines and it is therefore important to design your website with optimum search engine infrastructure in place.

Differentiating Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud Computing Environments

In its current form, cloud computing has been around for a few years now, yet many are still confused by the terminology used to describe the various types of clouds. This has not been helped by private software and hardware vendors inventing terms to attempt to appeal to corporate IT departments everywhere. As they saw cloud computing taking off, they attempted to exploit fears as to its security by offering solutions that really don’t have anything to do with the cloud except for a made-up name. Here, we’ll attempt to cut through the noise and give a basic primer as to the types of clouds and their potential uses.