Why Home Routers Won't Work For A Business

Many new businesses make the mistake of assuming that a home router will do as well or a larger office. However, home routers won’t work for a business that requires networking multiple computers around a single connection, and also won’t provide the same levels of security and administrative control, as well as remote access, that… Continue reading Why Home Routers Won't Work For A Business

D-Link RangeBooster N Dual Band Router DIR-628

Network administrators looking for an inexpensive dual band router will appreciate D-Link’s RangeBooster N Dual Band router DIR-628. The router is priced below 100 dollars online, making it one of the most economical models in its category. While this may sound like a dream, the cheap price does not preclude DIR-628 from having features that… Continue reading D-Link RangeBooster N Dual Band Router DIR-628