12 Precautionary Tips When Choosing Web Hosting

Choosing a web hosting provider can be tricky since there are so many options to choose from. Often this flexibility in choice can lead people to make some poor decisions in terms of who they decide to sign up with. Here are twelve precautions you can take when it comes to signing up for a… Continue reading 12 Precautionary Tips When Choosing Web Hosting

Hosting Your Website From Home

Many businesses and even individuals who want their own website hire companies to build their site and maintain it, but with a little information and self-training it’s possible to host your own site and keep it up to date. Although there are advantages to hosting your site on your home computer, there are also security… Continue reading Hosting Your Website From Home

Web Hosting Providers And Disk Space

In this era of computers people today are addicted to internet for everything from recipes to admissions and news to daily soaps. Internet has relieved the life of people largely and is responsible for concluding work faster. There are loads of websites providing knowledge about anything and everything we need. It is also a platform… Continue reading Web Hosting Providers And Disk Space

Five Famous Websites – How They Got Their Names

1. Yahoo.com It’s hard to believe that a site as cool as yahoo actually started with a name as uncool as “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web” but that’s the truth. The name yahoo came from the fact that the company founders, Jerry Yang and David Filo had nicknamed themselves the Chief… Continue reading Five Famous Websites – How They Got Their Names

Can A Web Host Affect Your SEO Efforts?

There are many things to consider when diving into the world of SEO, such as; how to optimize your site and how to get those rankings? Beyond this, you also need to ask yourself how you plan to host your site. Now it seems that these two questions can be combined into a question of… Continue reading Can A Web Host Affect Your SEO Efforts?