If Blogging Is So Easy, Why Is It So Hard?

“I don’t have time to blog because…” It’s funny how many people dismiss blogging. Most insist they are “too busy” (read: “too important”) to write on a regular basis. The thing is, it’s not just about the writing. It’s about communication and reach — and maybe, just maybe, about lofty human endeavors like art, too.… Continue reading If Blogging Is So Easy, Why Is It So Hard?

From Beginner To Expert : Improving Your PowerPoint Presentation Skills

From Beginner to Expert : Improving Your PowerPoint Presentation Skills Once you have gained confidence with the basic aspects of Microsoft PowerPoint, you may wonder about how you can further improve your presentation skills. While you may have a firm grasp of the most basic principles, PowerPoint is a complex tool that you can use to… Continue reading From Beginner To Expert : Improving Your PowerPoint Presentation Skills

Breakthroughs Reveal Guide To Human Genome

A landmark set of research findings has discovered how the human genome works. The ENCODE project, a massive international effort begun in 2003, picks up where the Human Genome Project left off. ENCODE takes the 3-billion-letter blueprint of the human genome and starts building the user manual. The biggest finding is that the 80% of… Continue reading Breakthroughs Reveal Guide To Human Genome

The History Of Land Rover

Land Rover is one of the most familiar, recognisable and successful brands in the motoring industry but how exactly did it come to power? Nowadays, the company – based in Warwickshire – specialises in four-wheel-drive vehicles but the car’s history can be drawn back to what is regarded the invention of the bicycle in the… Continue reading The History Of Land Rover

Britain Faces the threat of a Massive ‘Cyber Attack’

Recently, Britain elite electronic spying agency alerted that the country faces the threat of credible cyber attack from any hostile group of criminals and states. According to the country’s head of spying agency, this kind of a cyber attack could badly damage the infrastructure of the country. In a very unusual public statement and speech… Continue reading Britain Faces the threat of a Massive ‘Cyber Attack’